- saucenao link
- saucenao attachment
- ascii2d link
- ascii2d attachment
- automatic sauce search
npm run build
The build result will be stored in prod
npm start
When the bot is first started, it will generate an example.config.json
"DevGuildId": "",
"SauceKey": "your-saucenao-api-key",
"SauceChannels": [],
"IsGlobal": false,
"SauceMaxNRMS": 0.03,
"SauceMinPSNR": 27.5
Rename it config.json
The meaning of each value is shown as follows:
- DevGuildId: the guild id of the bot owner, if IsGlobal is set to false then the slash command will only be registered to this guild.
- SauceKey: saucenao api key, go to SauceNAO to login or register a new account.
- SauceChannels: channels that want to enable automatic sauce detection.
- IsGlobal: set to true to enable global slash command which according to discord.js guide should take no more than an hour to register to every guild.
- SauceMaxNRMS: normalize root mean square error, this value should be set between 0 and 1, lower this value means increase the automatic sauce detection accuracy.
- SauceMinPSNR: peak single-to-soise ratio, the higher value will result in a more accurate sauce detection system.
A higher automatic sauce detection accuracy will leads to a lower possibility to get a result.
SauceChannels, SauceMaxNRMS and SauceMinPSNR only affect the automatic sauce search service.