This utility can generate and validate key pairs, generate SAML assertions accepted by SuccessFactors /oauth/token
endpoint and integrate with Postman (which lacks support for the OAuth 2.0 SAML bearer assertion flow).
- OAuth 2.0 SAML Assertion Access Token Generator for SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
- Install Node.JS >= 18
- Install OpenSSL
$ npm i -g sf-oauth
⚠️ Once installed, you can run the commandsf-oauth
from a terminal shell. Either pass the--dir
argument to specify the directory (to be) containing the PEM files, or run from within that directory.
$ sf-oauth --newkeypair
Provide sensible information for the certificate, for example:
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:BE
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Antwerp
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Antwerp
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Example LTD
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:HRT
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:Pieter Janssens
Email Address []
- Go to OAuth Clients
- Create new or edit an existing client
- Provide a descriptive name - e.g. "Postman Pieter Janssens"
- Copy the contents of
, paste in SF and save - Copy the OAuth client API key (e.g. to use as client ID in the Postman configuration)
Run the command without any arguments:
$ sf-oauth [--port]
ℹ️ PEM files directory is set to /X/Y/Z/SF Secret Keypairs
ℹ️ Check the for instructions on how this can be used in combination with Postman
🚀 SAML Assertion OAuth access token generator listening on port 3000
method | path | purpose | body/query parameters |
GET | /authorize |
requests to supply userId via your browser, generates SAML assertion, requests OAuth access token from SF and then returns the access token |
client_id , scope , state |
POST | /authorize |
immediatly generates SAML assertion, requests OAuth access token from SF and then returns the access token | user_id , client_id , scope , state |
: SuccessFactors userIdclient_id
: SuccessFactors OAuth client API keyscope
: SuccessFactors hostnamestate
: SuccessFactors companyIdredirect_uri
: OAuth callback URL (optional)
ℹ️ The naming of these parameters might seem strange at first, but this is chosen to align with the parameters being sent in the implicit OAuth flow from Postman.
⚠️ If a specific keypair with the name '-public.pem' and '-private.pem' is present, this will be used to generate the SAML assertion. If not, by default it will use 'public.pem' and 'private.pem'.
For each SF instance, create a separate Postman environment specifying the following variables:
- hostname: hostname of SF API
- company_id: SF instance ID
- client_id: SuccessFactors OAuth client API key
In any collection or folder, set up 'Authorization' to OAuth 2.0
and configure the like shown as follows:
Remember to select the correct Postman environment prior to requesting a new OAuth access token. As long as the token remains valid you can select different tokens that are held by Postman without the need to generate/request a new one.
$ sf-oauth --generate --companyId <SF Company ID> --hostname <SF API hostname> --clientId <OAuth client API key> --userId <userId> [--ttl <assertion validity in seconds>]
SAML Assertion...
base64 encoded SAML Assertion
Optional parameters:
: validity of the assertion in seconds (600 by default)--validate
: will request a bearer access token and validate it on by calling the SF OData API, this requires the argument--companyId
to be provided as well.--raw
: will output the base64 encoded string only. This can be used in scripting or piping. For example 🪄$ sf-oauth --generate --companyId ... --raw | base64 -d
Example of generating a SAML assertion, requisting an access token with it and finally testing the access token by calling the SuccessFactors OData API:
$ sf-oauth --generate --companyId salesDemoXYZ --hostname --clientId NzNkYzk0NTljMTQ0NWEyOWMxNzUwYjdhOTdkOA --username --ttl 3600 --validate
Requesting a SAML Bearer token...
Bearer token received 🎉
access_token: 'eyJ0b2tlbkNvbnRlbnQiOnsiYXBpS2V5IjoiTnpOa1l6azBOVGxqTVRRME5XRXlPV014TnpVd1lqZGhPVGRrT0EiLCJzZlByaW5jaXBsZSI6IjEwMzI2NiNESVYjU0ZDUEFSVDAwMDUxMiIsImlzc3VlZEZvciI6InBqX25vZGVqcyIsInNjb3BlIjoiIiwiaXNzdWVkQXQiOjE2NDc1MTI0NDU4OTIsImV4cGlyZXNBdCI6MTY0NzU5ODg0NTg5Mn0sInNpZ25hdHVyZSI6IklQSTEvbGh3dGtIeXFQTml0bzNIL05DL3hzSjFSMHBYM3hMOCt0RWlFN29OYnhveFVOc1lUOUlyMnorZlUxN0JEcFc2eWhHU1dPaERHRjJjUTQ3dVZGNHJGLzd2cXRPTlZGbWdvK2NGTDBNSUsxS1Axck1BK29DM0paU1ZOL2RTaWFzWXJUb1BrdnBkZ3BGcHN0U2VYc3lvajFxWTdVL1daSllhbDZzakd4WT0ifQ==',
token_type: 'Bearer',
expires_in: 85949
Validating the token...
Token is valid 🎉
alias | argument |
-g | --generate |
-n | --newkeypair |
-c | --clientId |
-u | --userId |
-i | --companyId |
-h | --hostname |
-v | --validate |
-t | --ttl |
-p | --port |
-r | --raw |
-d | --dir |
-l | --learningOnly |
$ sf-oauth --validate [--companyId]
notAfter=Mar 6 13:37:03 2032 GMT
The SuccessFactors Learning OAuth token server is deprecated. Instead, you can use the SuccessFactors Platform token server to generate OAuth tokens even if the user does not exist in Employee Profile or Employee Central, a so-called learning-only user. For this use-case, use the -l
or --learningOnly
Contributions are more than welcome! Please open an issue or a pull request.
ℹ️ To be able to execture the Node cli commands on your forked source code, run npm link
from the root folder project.