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Simulation framework for a pixelated Liquid Argon TPC


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This software aims to simulate a pixelated Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber. This is a differentiable version of a snapshot of DUNE larnd-sim, and is (as closely as possible), a direct translation of that code. Rather than relying on explicit CUDA kernel parallelization, this code has been (a) vectorized and (b) translated into EagerPy, a backend agnostic framework allowing for the use of a variety of automatic differentiation libraries. The optimization code here is written in PyTorch, and there are a few residual native PyTorch functions used throughout the main code.

For comparison, files from the non-differentiable version of larnd-sim have been kept, with the translated software denoted with a subscript _ep (e.g. -> Note that it is possible to run on both GPU and CPU with this code, with GPU offering considerable speed-ups due to the vectorization. However, because of the vectorization, the memory use is fairly high -- typical runs are done on the SLAC Shared Scientific Data Facility (SDF) using single NVIDIA Tesla A100s with 40GB of VRAM.

Physics overview

Following the structure of the non-differentiable code, the simulation proceeds in stages, which can be seen in the structure of the all_sim function in optimize/ These stages are

  • Quenching: contained in Goes from energy deposits to number of electrons (after recombination). Uses Birks model for this calculation by default. Parameters: Ab, kb, eField.
  • Drifting: contained in Calculates properties of segments at the anode, after drifting through the detector. Parameters: vdrift, tran_diff, long_diff, lifetime.
  • Pixelization: contained in Finds pixel projection of tracks (Bresenham's line algorithm). tran_diff implicitly enters in determining max spread.
  • Charge/current calculation: contained in Calculates current induced on each pixel. Almost all parameters enter somewhere either implicitly or explicitly.
  • Electronics simulation: contained in Simulates electronics/triggering/converts current to ADC counts. This is where "noise" can enter.

What does differentiable mean?

Let's think of our simulator as some function $f(x,\theta)$ which maps from dEdx track segments, $x$, to the corresponding pixel readout $f(x)$, where $\theta$ are some set of parameters of the simulation. We call this function $f$ our "forward model". If this model is differentiable, this means that we can calculate $\nabla_{\theta} f(x, \theta)$ and/or $\nabla_{x} f(x, \theta)$, the gradient of our forward model output with respect to its parameters, $\theta$, or inputs, $x$.

Doing such a calculation is made very efficient by a tool called automatic differentiation, the backbone of frameworks such as PyTorch. Full discussion of automatic differentiation is beyond the scope of this README. For the optimization here, we use reverse mode automatic differentiation, also known as backpropagation, which effectively uses the chain rule moving backward from the output of the forward model in order to exactly compute the desired derivatives.

It is important to note that not all operations in the standard larnd-sim are nicely differentiable, for instance discontinuous integer operations, thresholding, etc etc. In several places, we therefore do a relaxation of these operations. A common example is to take a hard, step function cut, and replace it with a sigmoid function, which has similar behavior on the tails, but replaces a discontinuous jump with a smooth rise to terminal values (e.g. from 0 to 1). Such relaxations allow for the calculation of gradients, at the price of the accuracy of the simulation. We include a few such relaxations in the differentiable simulation code, notably:

  • Interpolation between time steps in integrated current thresholding
  • Relaxation of current model shape (truncated exponential)
  • Integer ADC values -> floating point

Once we do have reasonable gradients, however, this opens up several possibilities. One of the major focuses of this work is the idea of calibration. This particularly focuses on the use of gradients with respect to parameters, $\nabla_{\theta} f(x, \theta)$. The general setup is:

  • Take some data, which we assume to be from $f(x^*, \theta^*)$, with $x^*$, $\theta^*$ the "true" values seen in real life.
  • Assuming we know (or can estimate) $x^*$, simulate some data with a set of parameters $\theta_{i}$.
  • Compare the simulation output $f(x^*, \theta_{i})$, with data $f(x^*, \theta^*)$ using some loss function
  • Update parameters $\theta_{i}$ via gradient descent to minimize the chosen loss, i.e., $$\theta_{i} \rightarrow \theta_{i} - \eta\cdot\nabla_{\theta} f(x^*, \theta_{i})$$ where $\eta$ is some learning rate that controls how big of a step we take. This procedure (falling into an "analysis-by-synthesis" framework) can be repeated until convergence is reached.

Note that this is one particular application -- reconstruction of inputs, via a similar procedure with $\nabla_{x} f(x, \theta)$, is a very related process. Further, the differentiability also allows for training of neural networks in conjunction with physics simulation (as gradients with respect to neural network weights and biases may be passed all the way through). TL; DR, this can be useful!

Fitting code overview

Most of the physics code is in larndsim/, while the optimization code is in optimize/. For the following, we assume that you have access to SLAC's SDF (so that you can use the corresponding resources and file paths). The heart of the user interface is the file optimize/, which makes use of the ParamFitter class defined in optimize/, as well as the data handling of optimize/

An image containing all required packages is located at: /sdf/group/neutrino/images/larndsim_latest.sif

And we've been using a set of simulated muon data for tests: /sdf/group/neutrino/cyifan/muon-sim/fake_data_S1/edepsim-output.h5

This fitting framework is set up by default to run a "closure test" style fit. Namely, we:

  • Simulate some "data" with a given set of parameters. This is the "target data".
  • Initialize at some reasonable guess. For us, this is often a set of nominal parameter values.
  • Run the gradient descent optimization procedure to update parameter guesses (starting from the initial value).

The goal of this closure test is to see if we can recover the target parameter values in an "ideal" case. To that end we've included a flag to turn off electronic noise (the only source of stochasticity in the detector simulation).

The simplest way to run your first fit is using an included batch script at optimize/scripts/ Namely, on SDF, run:

sbatch optimize/scripts/

from the top level larnd-sim directory.

This spawns 5 jobs with different randomly seeded targets within "reasonable" parameter ranges defined in optimize/ It runs a fit to these targets on a set of 5 tracks in a single batch, using an Adam optimizer and soft DTW loss. This may take a bit to run. Note that this uses the ml partition and a single NVIDIA Tesla A100 for each job -- if you're not a member of the ml partition, you may need to change to something else (shared, e.g.).

As the jobs run, they store a bunch of information in a dict, saved in a pkl file -- this can then be used to plot/analyze results, e.g. to make something like this plot:

example fit

Which was made with a very very simple plotting script

python --params Ab --label Ab_SDTW_lr1e-2_5trk_test --seeds 1 2 3 4 5 --ext png

You might notice this looks quite wiggly -- this is often a sign of the learning rate being too high. This can be tuned with the --lr flag -- try it yourself!

The parameters of interest for fitting are (currently), in rough priority order:

  • Ab
  • kb
  • tran_diff
  • vdrift
  • lifetime
  • eField
  • long_diff

Note that vdrift is "special" in that the dominant impact is in time info (and it has by far the largest effect there), so this is used explicitly in the fitting.

The example we had you run does a fit for a single parameter (Ab) on a limited set of tracks. Multiparameter fitting is possible by passing either:

  • A space separated list of parameters (one learning rate used for all)
  • A .yaml file defining the list of parameters and their associated learning rates, e.g.,
Ab: 1e-2
kb: 1e-1

will run a simultaneous (2D) fit in Ab and kb with learning rates 1e-2 and 1e-1 respectively.

There are several other configuration flags, please see the included help text for more information on those.


Simulation framework for a pixelated Liquid Argon TPC







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  • Python 98.3%
  • Shell 1.2%
  • Dockerfile 0.5%