A friendly fork of several other bots (QBot, Pinychat), designed to assist Tinychat users and moderators.
Enjoying the bot? Donate:
- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jameskoss
- Paypal: phuein@gmail.com
(If asked, please choose the "Payment" option.)
- Bitcoin: 1LoyRpNMVB85WkTLWLkn7g8iPgyaVBFHKf
Support requests are per payment, only.
- notnola
- megaloler
- qbot
- Norm
* (Somebody else or a fix? Tell me.)
## Files
[Author's Note: Use your own extraneous modules, and patch into the bot. Updates will break the code.]
A patched-on module that runs the actual bot, that is responsive in the chat room.
The core module responsible for interacting with Tinychat, handling the room object, users objects, and messages.
Handles the RTMP connection and communication, using the AMF encoder/decoder module. This is a Python remake of the original C library.
**Requirements** [ _pip install NAME_ ]: - PyAMF https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyAMF - PySocks https://github.com/Anorov/PySocks - requests http://www.python-requests.org/en/latest/
## Command Line Arguments
The tinychat core module accepts these:
- room=ROOM [or tinychat*ROOM]
- nick=NICK
- user=USER
- pass=PASS
- ready=0/1 (Say something, when ready in the room.)
- interactive=0/1 (Whether running from console or remotely.)
The tunebot module adds these optional arguments:
- bot=0/1 (Whether bot starts active in listening to user commands.)
- greet=0/1 (A smart greeting algorithm.)
- snap=0/1 (Autoban unknowns taking screenshots.)
- private=0/1 (Autoban all unknowns on join.)
For example, run it with:
python tunebot.py room=MYROOM user=MYUSER pass=MYPASS nick=Tunebot settings=settings.txt
## Settings
In the bot's directory, the settings.txt file handles all the one-line instructions. Any SETTINGS[] override can be applied there. The lists links expect a link to a TXT file format. For example, do "Export as TXT" in Google Docs, and copy the download URL from your browser downloads window.
The top directory of the bot has a settings/ directory. In the code, the local (not online) instructions come from simple .txt files inside it.