play with
cargo run
copy & paste codes
- arealesramirez/rust-rest-api-hyper for apis
- GET /cars to fetch all cars
- GET /cars/:id = to fetch a specific car
- POST /cars = to create a new car
- hyper@1.0.0 examples
- especially web_api,
- learn some serde_json...
- learn the type trick
type GenericError = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, GenericError>;
type BoxBody = http_body_util::combinators::BoxBody<Bytes, hyper::Error>;
- POST /cars
- PUT /cars/{id}
- GET /cars, /cars/{id}
- DELETE /cars, /cars/{id}
- generate cars 🚀🚀🚀
hey -z 10s -cpus 4 -c 4 -d '{"brand":"Tesla", "model": "Y", "year": 2023}' -m POST
- see CHANGELOG-v2
store cars in sqlite when run with env DB_TYPE=sqlite
wrap some qappctl command as HTTP service in path /ctl/**
. Some thing just like qappctl-shim
register routes like Golang with ibraheemdev/matchit and our Handler implementation
// Go
router := mux.NewRouter()
router.HandleFunc("/images", server.listImagesHandler).Methods("GET")
router.HandleFunc("/images", server.pushImageHandler).Methods("POST")
// Rust
let mut mux: HashMap<Method, matchit::Router<HandlerFn>> = Router::new();
add_route(&mut mux, "/ctl/images", Method::GET, BoxCloneHandler::new(handler_fn(Svc::list_images)));
add_route(&mut mux, "/ctl/images", Method::POST, BoxCloneHandler::new(handler_fn(Svc::push_image)));
- GET /test/sleep/:duration to trigger a timeout
- add timeout middleware,
curl -i 127.1:9100/test/sleep/3100
- add log middleware
- add auth middleware,
curl -i 127.1:9100/test/sleep/3100 -H 'Bearer: zenx'
- add MapResponse middleware
- add error_handling middleware
add a demo wasi/wasm32 HTTP server, car-demo, based on v2
- replace qappctl command with docker, make path
more common
- layerize middlewares
- all HTTP handler return Serializable T directly
- containerize binary as image and use github actions to build images
- support GraphQL (Optional)
- OpenAPI and Swagger (Optional)
- code generator (maybe)
- OpenAPI Specification from code comments
- See openapi-generator official, juhaku/utoipa, paperclip-rs/paperclip, glademiller/openapiv3