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Translate coffeescript to ahk.

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pnpm i coffee-ahk
import c2a from 'coffee-ahk'

await c2a('./script/toolkit/', {
  salt: 'toolkit',
  save: true,
  verbose: false,


npm run test


  • Not yet supported ? ;

  • Does not yet support inverted syntax such as a = 1 unless a >= 1; normal syntax must be used;

  • No NaN, null and undefined, which are all converted to the empty string '';

  • No getter/setter;

  • No implicit return, all returns must be written explicitly;

  • The distinction between characters and numbers in ahk is blurred, '0' returns false in ahk;

  • Using => outside of class is not recommended, because pure functions in ahk do not have this;

  • Use utf8 for encoding .coffee files. The encoding of .ahk files uses uft8 with BOM;

  • Import and export are not yet complete;

  • Npm package management support is not complete;

  • You can use true, false, on and off, but be careful not to use type judgments. The boolean type does not exist in ahk;