Basic docker-based Symfony3 setup with no example application using Nginx, MongoDB3, PHP7-FPM and Redis.
Clone, then run docker-compose inside the project's directory :
$ docker-compose up -d
Run composer inside the web container :
$ docker exec -u www-data web composer update
Navigate to If you see a blank page, it works. This setup has no example application, only a working configuration. From here, it is up to you.
- All settings are made for development only and are completely unsafe for production.
- There is no application, juste a skeleton for Symfony. However I have included some common bundles such as FOS User Bundle, FOS REST Bundle, Sensio Framework Extra Bundle, etc.
- There is one tiny custom bundle to make FOS User Bundle work
- There is a container for PHP-FPM and PHP code (Called web)
- There is a container for Nginx
- There is a container for MongoDB
- There is a container for Redis
- Nginx's container sets PHP-FPM's address and port on startup in nginx's vhost configuration
- PHP's container creates Symfony's parameters.yml and sets MongoDB's address and port on startup
- Code is in /code
- MongoDB's data is in /data (for persistence)