Dijkstrapy is a command line reverse polish notation calculator written in python. The purpose of this tool is to simulate the experience of an rpn calculator on pc by minimising the number of keys required for input. NOTE: Software is experimental, pre-release
- Full rpn experience
- Real time input. No need to press enter unneccesarily
- Supports a wide array of math functions that can be called with short keywords
- Easily enter constants
- Manage stacks with builtin commands
- Extensible. Add your own math functions (mathfuncs)
- Different modes (ie scientific notation)
- Argument form. Pass an expression as arguments to djkstrapy
- Inbuilt function help
- Inbuilt manual
- Configuration file
- Colour output
- Ability to add user defined constants. Done!
- Npr function
- Apply operation recursively. Done!
- More colour options
- Vim like set command
- rewrite with classes
- command line arguments mode Done!
- Add ability to change the trigger key for any function
For now simply clone and run: python dijstrapy.
pip support is being developed
Tested on GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows.
- Unexpected results due to floating point behaviour (e.g 1.2+ 2.2 = 4.4000000004). Can be mitigated by turning on decimal option in config.ini
- All text can be erased (including stack info)
- Some incorrect input is still not handled correctly
- Recursion feature has a bug
Backspace in GNU/Linux does not work. Use ; function insteadSome characters from previous operation show up before printing of result in GNU\Linux
Documentation on the use of this application is available by typing 'man' in the main program or by starting program with --help argument.
+, - ,*,\
Command | Action |
rm | remove stack member |
# | swap the last two stacks |
' | drops highest stack member |
Command | Action |
$ | invert sign of operand |
^ | Return x**y (x to the power of y). |
! | Return factorial(x) |
srt | Return the square root of x. |
log | If the base not specified, returns the natural logarithm (base e of x |
tlog | Return the base 10 logarithm of x. |
sin | Return the sine of x (measured in radians). |
cos | Return the cosine of x (measured in radians). |
tan | Returns the tangent of x (measured in radians) |
crt | Return the cube root of x |
epow | Return e raised to the power of x. |
ncr | n Choose r function |
Command | Action |
ra | Convert angle x from degrees to radians. |
deg | Convert angle x from radians to degrees. |
Command | Action |
& | finds a fractional approximation to a given floating point number |
E | scientific notation |
dp | changes the decimal precision of a floating point number |
rnd | rounds to given precision |
Command | Action |
pi | returns pi |
eu | returns e |
Command | Action |
man | opens full documentation |
?fnc | opens documentation for function |
; | clears input (not including stack members) |
ver | displays dijkstrapy version |
q | quit |
Apply the operation recursively on stack. For now only +,-,*,/ operators are supported.
n@o - where n is the number of times operation should be repeated and o is the operator
@ao - a is parameter all. Hence operation is replied recusively to last stack member
Below is a list of the functions that each module contains
- mathfuncs (additional math functions) = [cube_root, sci_notation, invert_sign, decimal_places, rnd, fract, ncr]
- stackop (stack operations) = [two_pop, operate, append_rogue, adv_operate_double, adv_operate_single, adv_operate_none]
- screen (drawing operations)= [clear, return_custom, write_custom, draw]
- sysfuncs (system functions) = [clear_line, delete_stack, drop, swap, assist, newline, backspace, leave, catch_inline_help, inline_help, display_version, set_precision]
- handler (input handling functions) = [num_handle, match_and_operate, operator_handler, character_handler]
- readconfig(str2bool, check_colour, reset_colours, check_precision, load_config, read_argv)
When you find a bug, which you are almost certain of doing, please open an issue on Github.
I welcome any suggestions as I am a newbie
Danny Yoo
Please see the LICENSE file