A plugin for Tailwind CSS to colorize arbitrary elements using CSS filters. The most popular use case is to colorize single-color icons without altering the icon file directly.
See this CodePen for demo of the underlying method.
This plugin requires Tailwind CSS v1.x.
npm install --save-dev tailwindcss-colorize
yarn add --dev tailwindcss-colorize
In your tailwind.config.js:
module.exports = {
// …
theme: {
colorize: [
// use any color defined in your theme, the following are taken from the default theme
plugins: [
// …
// …
// …
This would generate the following utility class:
.colorize-gray-500 {
-webkit-filter: invert(72%) sepia(39%) saturate(135%) hue-rotate(174deg) brightness(90%) contrast(86%);
filter: invert(72%) sepia(39%) saturate(135%) hue-rotate(174deg) brightness(90%) contrast(86%);
.colorize-teal-500 {
-webkit-filter: invert(77%) sepia(6%) saturate(4378%) hue-rotate(132deg) brightness(81%) contrast(78%);
filter: invert(77%) sepia(6%) saturate(4378%) hue-rotate(132deg) brightness(81%) contrast(78%);
.blacken {
-webkit-filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%);
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%);
And in your HTML you could use these classes like this:
<img src="/images/icon.png" class="colorize-teal-500">
For this to work, the icon color needs to be black. If it is not, you can use
the .blacken
utility class that is also generated like this:
<span class="colorize-teal-500">
<img src="/images/icon.png" class="blacken">