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Phil Burk edited this page Oct 21, 2019 · 4 revisions

Cloning the Repository and Making a Change

My goal today was to check out the repository from GutHub, edit the readme.txt and merge the changes.

mkdir pforth
cd pforth
git init
git clone

This created another directory called "pforth" inside my "pforth" directory.

I made a branch for the change and then edited my file.

cd pforth
git checkout -b fix-readme
vi readme.txt

I then staged my changes, commited my change with a sign-off, and pushed the changes to GitHub.

git add .
git commit -s
git push origin fix-readme

I noticed that I needed to make another small change, so I used 'git commit --amend', a mistake in hindsight.

vi readme.txt
git add .
git commit --amend     ;; wrong!!!
git push origin fix-readme

The push failed saying I was not in sync with the repository. I had to rebase my changes and then do a merge by hand.

git pull --rebase origin fix-readme
vi readme.txt
git add .
git rebase --continue

I was then able to push my change.

git push origin fix-readme

Then using the GitHub UI I was able to review the diff, request a merge and merge my changes back into master.

Rather than use --amend, it is better to always make a new commit after pushing one commit to the origin.

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