A Flutter plugin that helps you utilize functionalities on a Sunyard i80 EDC POS terminal.
- Print a line of text, image, barcode, QR code, etc.
- Retrieve the real serial number of the device.
Add this line to your pubspec.yaml
flutter_sunyard_i80: ^1.0.0
Alternatively, you can add these lines if you want to install it directly from the GitHub repo:
url: https://github.com/philaphonh/flutter_sunyard_i80.git
ref: main
It is recommended to check the printer status before printing:
import 'package:flutter_sunyard_i80/flutter_sunyard_i80.dart' as i80;
final isPrinterAvailable = await i80.Printer.isPrinterAvailable();
if (isPrinterAvailable) {
// Do stuffs here...
Append text to print buffer:
await Printer.appendText(
text: "Flutter",
textAlign: PrinterAlign.left,
await Printer.appendText(
text: "Flutter",
textAlign: PrinterAlign.left, // Adjust text alignment
isBoldFont: true, // Make text bold
await Printer.appendText(
text: "Flutter",
textAlign: PrinterAlign.right,
isLineBreak: false, // Line break is added by default
fontSize: PrinterFontSize.thirtySix, // Adjust font size based on available size provided by the printer
Append image to print buffer:
// Load an asset image
final assetImage = await rootBundle.load("/path/to/the/asset");
// Convert buffer to bytes list
final bytes = Uint8List.view(assetImage.buffer);
// Append image bytes to the print buffer
await Printer.appendImage(
byteArray: bytes,
align: PrinterAlign.right,
await Printer.appendImage(
byteArray: bytes,
align: PrinterAlign.left,
sampleSize: 2, // Adjust image size based on Android's [inSampleSize] prop of [BitMapFactory.Options]. More info can be found at https://developer.android.com/reference/android/graphics/BitmapFactory.Options
Append barcode data to print buffer
await Printer.appendBarCode(data: "1234567890");
Append QR data to print buffer
await Printer.appendQrCode(
data: "https://artyboy.dev",
width: 100, // Adjust QR width
height: 100, // Adjust QR height
Start printing
// Always execute this function after appending all data
await Printer.startPrint();
To retrieve the device's serial number:
String serialNumber = "";
final isDeviceAvailable = await i80.Device.isAvailable();
if (isDeviceAvailable) {
serialNumber = await i80.TerminalInfo.serialNumber;