Releases: pheonix99/LevelableAivu
1.2.7: 2.2 Release
1.2.6: Aura Fix
Fix for Heroism Aura buff icon persisting.
1.2.5: 2.1
For Use With 2.1 ONLY!
Thanks to Teraunce for some help with the csproj.
1.2.4: Compatibility Update
Fix for method signature change breaking the mod.
Thanks to ArcaneTrixter for the pull request.
1.2.3: Drakes and Dragons
Fixed for levelups past 20 being broken.
Fix for inability to wear animal companion gloves.
1.2.2: Working Compatibility
Makes Havoc Dragon / Mythic Havoc Dragon levelling work normally with DarkCodex's animal companion uncapper installed by just blocking additional levels of the level 1-20 class.
This time it works.
1.2.1: Dark Codex Compatibility
Makes Havoc Dragon / Mythic Havoc Dragon levelling work normally with DarkCodex's animal companion uncapper installed by just blocking additional levels of the level 1-20 class.
1.2.0 release = armor and sfx fixes
- Aivu can use barding again.
- Heroism aura sfx spam removed
- Destructive dispel should now work.
1.2 beta release - localization file added
Bringing Levelable Aivu to 1.2.
No changes, just compatability.
Ignore the spell level progression in the UI being weird. Spell gain is correct, that's just display jank.
Fixed missing localization file
1.0.4: Aivu Remembers Her Smart Breath Attack
So it looks like I forgot to give Aivu her smart breath attack upgrade.