is a project for training predictive models using data from boardgamegeek (bgg).
these models predict how the bgg community as a whole will evaluate games (average rating, number of user ratings, complexity). models are trained on game and collection data pulled via BoardGameGeek's API and stored via GoogleCloudStorage
graph LR
%% Data Sources and Storage
BGG[BoardGameGeek API] -->|Data Collection| GCS[(Google Cloud Storage)]
GCS -->|Data Loading| PrepData[Preprocessed Games Data]
%% Data Splitting
PrepData -->|Time-based Split| DataSets[Training/Validation/Testing Sets]
%% Main Model Components
DataSets -->|Training| Models[Model Training]
%% Model Types
Models --> HurdleModel[Hurdle Model<br>Classification]
Models --> WeightModel[Complexity Model<br>Regression]
Models --> RatingModels[Rating Models<br>Regression]
%% Evaluation and Deployment
HurdleModel --> Evaluation[Model Evaluation]
WeightModel --> Evaluation
RatingModels --> Evaluation
Evaluation --> Tracking[Performance Tracking]
Evaluation --> Deployment[Model Deployment]
%% Prediction
Deployment --> VetiverModels[(Deployed Models<br>in GCS)]
NewGames[New Games] --> Predictions[Predictions]
VetiverModels --> Predictions
%% Styling
classDef storage fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef model fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px;
classDef data fill:#dfd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px;
class GCS,VetiverModels storage;
class HurdleModel,WeightModel,RatingModels,Models model;
class PrepData,DataSets,NewGames,Predictions data;
Data Collection and Storage:
- Game data is pulled from BoardGameGeek's API using the
package - Data is stored in Google Cloud Storage buckets configured in
- Authentication to GCS is handled via
- Game data is pulled from BoardGameGeek's API using the
Data Preprocessing:
- Raw game data is processed using
function - Processing includes filtering publishers, handling families, and removing games with missing publication years
- The
function creates a binary target variable for classification
- Raw game data is processed using
Data Splitting Strategy:
- Time-based split using the
function - Training: Games published up to
(set to 2021 in the pipeline) - Validation: Games published in the next
(set to 2 years) - Testing: Games published after
end_train_year + valid_years
- This approach simulates real-world prediction scenarios where models predict ratings for future games
- Time-based split using the
Multi-Stage Modeling Approach:
- Hurdle Model: A classification model using LightGBM that predicts whether a game will reach a minimum threshold of user ratings (25 ratings)
- Complexity Model (averageweight): A regression model using LightGBM that predicts game complexity on a scale of 1-5
- Average Rating Model: A regression model using glmnet (elastic net) that predicts the average user rating
- Users Rated Model: A regression model using glmnet that predicts the number of user ratings a game will receive
Model Dependencies and Flow:
- The averageweight model is trained first and used to impute missing complexity values via
- The imputed data is then used to train the average and usersrated models
- The hurdle model acts as a filter to predict which games will receive enough ratings
- The average and usersrated models are combined to calculate the bayesaverage (BGG's weighted rating system) via
- This multi-model approach handles the complex relationships between game attributes and community reception
- The averageweight model is trained first and used to impute missing complexity values via
Feature Engineering:
- Recipes for different model types are defined in
, andrecipe_hurdle()
- Features include game attributes (players, playtime, age), categories, mechanics, publishers, designers, etc.
- Text features from game descriptions are processed (word count, publisher description detection)
- Spline transformations are applied to capture non-linear relationships
- Recipes for different model types are defined in
Model Tuning and Hyperparameters:
- Models are tuned using grid search with cross-validation
- LightGBM models tune tree depth, learning rate, and minimum node size
- Glmnet models tune regularization penalty and mixture (elastic net ratio)
- Best models are selected based on performance metrics (RMSE, ROC AUC, etc.)
Model Assessment:
- Models are evaluated on validation data using functions in
- Classification metrics include F1, F2, precision, recall, and balanced accuracy
- Regression metrics include RMSE, MAE, MAPE, R², and concordance correlation coefficient
- Results are visualized using functions in
- Models are evaluated on validation data using functions in
Performance Tracking:
- Model performance is tracked over time with metrics stored in CSV files
- The
function intracking.R
saves metrics with timestamps and user information - This enables monitoring of model drift and performance improvements
Model Deployment:
- Final models are trained on combined training and validation data
- Models are deployed using the
package viapin_outcome_model()
- Models are stored in Google Cloud Storage with metadata including performance metrics
- The
package manages the entire pipeline, ensuring reproducibility
Making Predictions:
- New games can be processed through the same preprocessing pipeline
- The
function applies all models in sequence:- Predict complexity with the averageweight model
- Apply the hurdle model to determine if the game will get enough ratings
- Predict average rating and number of user ratings
- Calculate the expected bayesaverage (weighted rating)
- This provides a comprehensive prediction of how the BGG community will receive a new game
Visualization and Reporting:
- Results are visualized using custom plotting functions
- Quarto is used for generating reports and documentation
- The project includes functions for creating interactive tables of predictions