Create connections to an ActionCable server with an ActionCable-like subscriptions API.
void main() {
// Create a connection to an ActionCable server
final hotline = Hotline('ws://localhost:3000/cable');
// Next, subscribe to a channel
// ActionCable.server.broadcast("Example Channel", {hello: "Chat room!"})
// `simpleChannel` onReceived callback will be called when subscribing
// to a simple channel name using `stream_from`
final subscription = hotline.subscriptions.create('Example Channel');
// If you want to broadcast to a resource-specific channel, like this:
// ChatRoomChannel.broadcast_to(ChatRoom.find(1), {hello: "Chat Room 1"})
// then use a parameterised constructor that and pass the params into your `stream_for` method
final subscription = hotline.subscriptions.create({'channel': 'Chat Room', 'id': 1});
// Or even a Turbo Stream
final subscription = hotline.subscriptions.create({
'channel': 'Turbo::StreamsChannel',
'signed_stream_name': 'IloybGtPaTh2WVhCd0wwSmhjMnRsZEM4eCI=--635611ff87dda934376806f3dbfcdb6b724fa0cbcca9b32684c537ad8eb9390f'
// Finally, you can listen for the various changes on the connection and the channel itself...
hotline.status.listen((state) => print('Hotline Connection State: $state'));
subscription.status.listen((state) => print('Subscription State: $state')); => print('Received On Stream: $data'));
void main() {
// create a connection with the necessary callbacks
final onConnect = (Hotline connection) => print('Hotline Connection State: Connected');
final onDisconnect = () => print('Hotline Connection State: Disconnected');
Hotline hotline = Hotline('ws://localhost:3000/cable',
onConnect: onConnect,
onDisconnect: onDisconnect
// Create a subscription to one of your ActionCable channels
final confirmed = (HotlineSubscription subscription) => print('Subscription State: Confirmed');
final received = (Map data) => print('Received On Stream: $data');
final rejected = () => print('Subscription State: Rejected');
// ActionCable.server.broadcast("Example Channel", {hello: "Chat room!"})
// `simpleChannel` onReceived callback will be called when subscribing
// to a simple channel name using `stream_from`
HotlineSubscription simpleChannel = hotline.subscriptions.create(
'Example Channel',
onConfirmed: confirmed,
onReceived: received,
onRejected: rejected
// If you want to broadcast to a resource-specific channel, like this:
// ChatRoomChannel.broadcast_to(ChatRoom.find(1), {hello: "Chat Room 1"})
// then use a parameterised constructor and pass the params into your `stream_for` method
HotlineSubscription resourceChannel = hotline.subscriptions.create(
{'channel': 'Chat Room', 'id': 1},
onConfirmed: confirmed,
onReceived: received,
onRejected: rejected
// Create the container widget for instantiating our connection
class HotlineConnectionView extends StatefulWidget {
final hotline = Hotline('ws://localhost:3000/cable');
HotlineConnectionView({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<HotlineConnectionView> createState() => _HotlineConnectionViewState();
class _HotlineConnectionViewState extends State<HotlineConnectionView> {
void initState() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StreamBuilder(
stream: this.widget.hotline.status,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<HotlineSocketConnectionType> snapshot) {
if( == HotlineSocketConnectionType.connecting) {
// whilst we're waiting for HotlineSocketConnectionType.connected, show a spinner
return CircularProgressIndicator();
}else if(HotlineSocketConnectionType.connected) {
// if we're here, we can render the HotlineSubscriptionView for the channel
// we want to subscribe to, and pass the hotline instance along with it
return HotlineSubscriptionView({'channel': 'Chat Room', 'id': 1}, this.widget.hotline);
}else {
return Text('Not connected');
// A widget for creating a HotlineSubscription to the given channel
class HotlineSubscriptionView extends StatefulWidget {
late final HotlineSubscription subscription;
HotlineSubscriptionView(Map<String, String> channel, Hotline connection) : subscription = connection.subscriptions.create(channel);
_HotlineSubscriptionViewState createState() => _HotlineSubscriptionViewState();
class _HotlineSubscriptionViewState extends State<HotlineSubscriptionView> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
child: Column(
children: [
// StreamBuilder to show the current connection status to the channel
stream: this.widget.subscription.status,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<HotlineSubscriptionRequestState> snapshot) {
return Text('Subscription Status: ${}');
// Another StreamBuilder, this time to render data as it comes down the wire
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<Map> snapshot) {
return Text('Data: ${}');
Hotline borrows some implementation from ActionCable in Dart by