ROS packages for evaluating the performance of global planners, local planners, and their combinations, for autonomous navigation in simulated and real conditions.
Motivation, rationale, methodology, and results are reported in the following publication:
author = {Filotheou, Alexandros and Tsardoulias, Emmanouil and Dimitriou, Antonis and Symeonidis, Andreas and Petrou, Loukas},
doi = {10.1007/s10846-019-01086-y},
issn = {0921-0296},
journal = {Journal of Intelligent {\&} Robotic Systems},
month = {jun},
number = {3-4},
pages = {567--601},
title = {{Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of ROS-Enabled Local and Global Planners in 2D Static Environments}},
url = {},
volume = {98},
year = {2020}