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Philip Helger edited this page Feb 23, 2023 · 4 revisions

Building in general

In the below commands x.y.z denotes the effective version number (like 5.0.0).

This project is build with Apache Maven 3.x. Simply call mvn clean install and you will end up with a JAR/WAR files in the respective target directories of the submodules.

All projects require Java 11 or higher for building and running. The last version using Java 1.8 was 4.11.0.

The as2-partnership-mongodb sub-project downloads an embedded MongoDB from the official web site and extracts it for testing. If this makes problems specify the -DskipTests=true commandline parameter when invoking Maven, to ignore all tests.

as2-server specific

To run this server stand-alone from the source build, perform the following steps.

  1. build the binary artefacts using Apache Maven 3.x: mvn clean install -Pwithdep (selects the profile "withdep" which means "with dependencies"). On Windows you may run build.cmd as an alternative.

  2. If this fails than potentially because a SNAPSHOT version of as2-lib is referenced. In that case you need to build the whole as2-lib first. Simply run mvn clean install on as2-lib and go back to the first step on this project.

  3. The resulting JAR file is than located at standalone/as2-server.jar

  4. Launch the server (note: src/main/resources/config/config.xml is the path to the configuration file to be used and may be changed):

  5. On Unix/Linux systems run the AS2 server using the following command (on one line):

    java -cp "standalone/*" standalone/config/config.xml

  6. On Windows systems run the AS2 server using the following command (on one line) or execute the run.cmd file:

    "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -cp "standalone/*" standalone/config/config.xml