Hilber class polynomial computation in Z or modulo arbitrary integer P using CRT
This repository contains the following libraries:
- zn_poly-0.9 https://web.maths.unsw.edu.au/~davidharvey/code/zn_poly/releases/zn_poly-0.9.tar.gz
- ff_poly_big_v1.2.7 https://math.mit.edu/~drew/ff_poly_big_v1.2.7.tar
- classpoly_v1.0.2 https://math.mit.edu/~drew/classpoly_v1.0.2.tar
Original versions are in the branch original
. Master contains slightly modified version.
The following modifications has been made:
- Logging to stderr (so output can be used for classpoly output)
defines the temporary directory to use. If undefined, goes by default to$HOME/temp
defines directory with the PHI data files (downloaded from SmallModPolys). If undefined, default is$HOME/phi_files
means the classpoly outputs the resulting polynomial to stdout instead of writing to the$PWD/H_$D.txt
- Filename
means stdout
$ docker build -t="classpoly" .
$ docker run -i -t classpoly
As described in the classpoly readme, you need to fetch polynomials from https://math.mit.edu/~drew/SmallModPolys
and extract it to $HOME/phi_files according to selected invariant (0=Hilbert class, phi_j.tar
Inside the docker, you can fetch phi_files by calling fetch-jinv.sh
for invariant=0.
If you have phi files already downloaded, mount the directory to the image and set env var correspondingly
$ docker build -t="classpoly" .
$ docker run -i --mount type=bind,src=/home/user/phi_files,dst=/usr/local/phi_files -t classpoly
$ export CLASSPOLY_PHI_FILES=/usr/local/phi_files
$ classpoly -19 0
Class polynomial for D=-19 written to H_19.txt, degree 1, height 20 (20), size 0.000 MB (0.0s)
# For stdout:
$ CLASSPOLY_STDOUT=1 classpoly -19 0 2>/dev/null
884736*X^0 +
Recompiling, or cache busting:
$ docker build -t="classpoly" --build-arg DIR_BUSTER=2.
For build form the original sources:
sudo apt-get install \
autoconf \
automake \
bzip2 \
ca-certificates \
curl \
g++ \
git \
libgmp-dev \
libntl-dev \
libtool-bin \
make \
pkg-config \
python \
rsync \
unzip \
cd src/
tar -xzvf zn_poly-0.9.tar.gz
cd zn_poly-0.9
make && make install
cp include/* /usr/local/include/zn_poly/
cd ..
tar -xvf ff_poly_big_v1.2.7.tar
cd ff_poly_big_v1.2.7
make && make install
cp *.h /usr/local/include/ff_poly/
cp ntutil.h /usr/local/include/
cd ..
tar -xvf classpoly_v1.0.2.tar
cd classpoly_v1.0.2
sed -e 's/^\(OBJECTS = \)/\1 prime.o /g' -i makefile
mkdir $HOME/temp