Warning: If you want to give these dotfiles a try, you should first fork this repository, review the code, and remove things you don’t want or need. Don’t blindly use my settings unless you know what that entails. Use at your own risk!
You can clone the repository wherever you want. I like to keep it in ~/Projects/dotfiles
The sync script will pull in the latest version and copy the files to your home folder.
git clone https://github.com/ph-il/dotfiles.git && cd dotfiles && sync.py
MacOS now use zsh as the default shell. In you updated your version, you might still be on bash. Then new version of this dotfiles is using bash.
chsh -s /bin/zsh
Just run those command one by one.
# Base installation - Required
# Install Homebrew, Git, git-extras, git-friendly, hub, Node.js, etc. - Required
# Install PHP 8.2. - Required
# Sync files - Required
# Run the zshrc file - Required
source ~/.zshrc
# Required after sync when doing a full install (stuff.sh) - Required
# Install tools. Main PHP 8.0 for now - Required
# Manual : Configure Blackfire local agent with your personal server credentials, information page was opened
# Install Exakat CE - Not required
# Setup Mac - Recommended
# Install lot of fonts. - Not required
If ~/dotfiles/zsh/path.zsh
exists, it will be sourced along with the other files.
Here’s an example ~/dotfiles/zsh/path.zsh
file that adds /usr/local/bin
to the $PATH
[ -d /usr/local/bin ] && _prepend_path "/usr/local/bin"
If ~/.zshlocal
exists, it will be sourced along with the other files. You can use this to add a few custom commands
without the need to fork this entire repository, or to add commands you don’t want to commit to a public repository.
My ~/.zshlocal
looks something like this:
##### PROJECTS ALIAS #####
# goto a specific project
alias gotest='gosf $PRJ_DIR/test/formation2 74 sf3'
alias godf='godf $PRJ_DIR/dotfiles/ none none'
##### ALIAS #####
##### CONFIG #####
You could also use ~/.zshlocal
to override settings, functions and aliases from my dotfiles repository.
It’s probably better to fork this repository instead, though.
Not in the repository, to prevent people from accidentally committing under my name
You should create a .gitconfig.local to add your own local configuration and your personnal informations.
git config -f ~/.gitconfig.local user.email "author@email.com"
git config -f ~/.gitconfig.local user.name "Author Name"
When setting up a new Mac, you may want to set some sensible macOS defaults and Applications:
Get macOS software updates, update Homebrew, npm, Ruby packages, dotfiles and some other software
- Execute:
When some application need to be add, put it in the Brewfile, save in your git, then run:
- Execute
php -i "(command-line 'phpinfo()')"
- Make sure that everyting is working
- You may call check that the server has GremlinPlugin available with
curl -s -G http://localhost:7474/tp/gremlin/execute
- Result should be :
"success": true
- You can check Exakat Installation
exakat doctor
- To update your .hosts file, execute:
- To update your php config files, execute:
- To update your apache config files, execute:
- Execute:
Suggestions/improvements welcome!
Follow @philoupedia on Twitter |
Philippe Gamache |
Gnome Archivist |
- Latest version now using zsh (default in MacOS) instead of bash
- Mathias Bynens and his dotfiles repository for the base code and readme. Look at all his own thanks.
- Paul Irish and his dotfiles repository
- Artem Sapegin and his dotfiles repository
- Jean-Christophe Lauffer for lots of the code in my original .function and .profile
- Damien Seguy for the Exakat config
??? https://github.com/paulmillr/dotfiles https://github.com/holman/dotfiles