A Clojure library designed to handle the work flow of sending an email for user verification.
Version: 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT
Lein: [totalrecloj "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
The name is a Clojure twist on the movie title Total Recall, where the proccess of going to an email and comming back to the site for verification is supposed to be the "Recall".
- Implement the two protocolls TokenHandler and UserPersister.
- Call
(email-token! {:email "user-email@domain.com"
:password "users-requested-password"
:host "url.to.your.site.com"
:endpoint "/verification/endpoint"
:token-handler token-handler-impl
:email-fn! email-fn-one-map-argument})
- Let the verification endpoint call
with token.
(verify-token! {:token token
:token-handler token-handler-impl
:user-persister user-persister-impl})
Example of email-fn! with postal:
(ns recloj.example
(:require [postal.core :as mail]))
(defn send-email! [{:keys [to body subject]}]
(mail/send-message ^{:host "smtp.gmail.com"
:user "gmail.user"
:pass "passw0rd"
:ssl :yes-please}
{:from "gmail.user@gmail.com"
:to to
:subject subject
:body body}))
Copyright © 2013 Splunk
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.