Simple project for fiddling with Firebase Admin SDK.
At the moment some basic functionality for testing Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) from the terminal is supported as an example.
This project has no ambition for futher development. I have developed it for personal purposes and I'm giving it out for anyone who might find it useful.
Install Node.js
Download project dependencies
$ npm install
Obtain Firebase Admin SDK key from Firebase console and copy it to a file named
You are ready to go
./fbtool --help
fbtool <command>
fbtool send Send a message to a device or a topic
fbtool subscribe Subscribe to a topic
fbtool unsubscribe Unsubscribe from a topic
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
Pro tip: Use
./fbtool --help <command>
for command options.
- Edit message content in
- Send it
./fbtool send --file ./sample-message-2.json
- Subscribe a token to a topic
./fbtool subscribe --topic test-topic-2 --token xxx-yyy-zzz
- Edit message content in
- Send the message to the topic
./fbtool send --file ./sample-topic-message.json