Yet another key/value cache where pairs can expire
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: petoem/stalebeer
require "stalebeer"
cache = StaleBeer::Cache(String, Int32).new
cache.set "Zwickelbier", 250
cache.get "Zwickelbier" # => 250
cache.set "Dunkelbier", 300, 2.seconds
sleep 3
cache.get "Dunkelbier" # => nil
# Define types for key/values pairs
StaleBeer::Cache(K, V)
# Creates a new instance and sets the time after which key/value pairs expire
.new(@default_cache_time : Time::Span = 10.minutes)
# Returns the value for the key or `nil` if the key does not exist or is expired
.get(key : K) : V?
# Adds the key/value pair to the cache and sets the time it should live
.set(key : K, value : V, expiration : Time::Span = @default_cache_time)
# Resets the time to the given one and returns `true` if successful
.refresh(key : K, time : Time::Span = @default_cache_time) : Bool
# Returns the remaining time the key has left
.expires(key : K) : Time::Span?
# Deletes all key/value pairs from the cache
.purge : Nil
# Returns an array of all keys in cache
.keys : Array(K)
# Returns the number of elements in the cache.
.size : Int32
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- petoem Michael Petö - creator, maintainer
Code licensed under the MIT License
Beer image from Twitter Emoji (Twemoji)