Deployed Link:
Testing (GitHub Actions):
This is a command line interface (CLI) application built in Node.js and uses Basic and Bearer authorization to sign up and sign in users, then presents the user with a prompt to create, update, or delete a note. The notes are saved to the user's account, and the full list of notes is displayed back to the user when the user selects options to either update or delete a note. The application uses the Node package dependencies Chalk Animation and Figlet to create beautiful rainbow colored ASCII art in the terminal. The server is deployed to heroku, so the cli app runs through the cli.js file and sends requests to the deployed server.
Clone the repository from the following link, and then follow the instructions in the sections below:
To run the application, you must create a .env file at the root level, with the following environment variable:
Before attempting to run the application locally, it is vital to install the required dependencies. Do so by running the following command in the terminal from the root level:
npm i
To run the application, run the following command in the terminal at the root level:
npm start
To run tests, you need to add the following environment variables to your .env file:
Then run the following command in the terminal at the root level:
npm run test
Test Coverage Report