Now more than in previous versions a translation will help users. Translations are easier than ever to create and will add to the home assistant community.
Create a PR, contact me using the community link above, or raise and issue on GitHub, tutorial.
- Depending on the complexity of the implementation some options may need to be transitioned to different entity types.
- Frequency selection options will need to be updated in the program configuration.
- The custom card will need to be edited.
This has been a significant redevelopment. All helper objects are now created automatically. All you need to configure now are the switches/valves and sensors.
Naming of entities is determined using the translation files. These have gaps so please volunteer to update or provide a new file. Contact me if you can help, it is not a complex process.
The custom card has been updated for this release, the move to entities rather than attributes on the program switch have allowed for a richer experience leveraging the icon translation capabilities.
It is now easier to get support information with the integration of Diagnostics
Frequency can now be determined as an offset of Sunrise or Sunset.
Add the option to pause and resume a running program.
Allow multiple zones to run concurrently in a program. If this setting is selected the zone transition is not available.
- Once installed:
- The frequency options will default to a single value '1', reconfigure the program to add additional options.
- Watering time/volume will default to 1.
- ECO attributes will default to 1.
- The previous version supported input types for sensors, these have been limited to sensor, or binary_sensor types. Where the existing configuration does not comply the entry will be removed and a notification raised. Samples of translating input types to sensors can be found in the test helpers yaml file.
- the custom card will be upgraded, edit the card to select the zones to display. CTRL-Click to select multiple zones.

V2025.01.03 provides the yaml to recreate the custom card as an entities card. The custom card is just an entities card that has been automatically populated.
- The script is regenerated each time you modify the configuration and on restart.
- Copy the script to a manual card.
- More detail here
- You need to enable the feature in the advanced setting of the program.
- You can remove the helpers that have been created for Frequency, Start time ... These will be automatically created now.
- The name of entities is dependent on the translation files. Please reach out if you can help translate the files.
- Setting frequency and start time via a sensor is no longer possible
The driver for this project is to provide an easy-to-use interface for the gardener of the house. The goal is that once the initial configuration is done all the features can be modified using the custom lovelace card.
The start time can be based on sunrise, sunset, single or multiple times.
Watering can occur in an ECO mode where a water/wait/repeat cycle is run to minimise run off by letting water soak in using several short watering cycles.
Supports watering by time or volume.
A number of sensor inputs can be configured to stop or modify the watering based on external inputs.
- The rain sensor, this requires a binary sensor and can be defined at the zone level to allow for covered areas to continue watering while exposed areas are suspended.
- Water source sensor can be used to ensure that a well has water or stop watering when the well sensor is off.
- Water adjustment provides for a factor to be applied to the watering time/volume either increasing or decreasing watering based on external inputs.
- The OpenWeatherMap History component provides sensors that may be useful, this provides history and forecast weather information to allow you to expose sensors that can be used.
The program issues Home Assistant events so you can undertake other automations if required.
There is also support for a pump or master solenoid and running programs sequentially or concurrently.
The included custom card renders the program configuration as a card and is installed automatically.
- Adding the repository using HACS is the simplest approach. The Custom Card deployed with the component, no need to install separately.
- look for IrrigationProgram Custom Component

- Define the program using the UI. From Setting, Devices & Services choose 'ADD INTEGRATION'. Search for Irrigation Controller Component.
- Add the integration many times if you want more than one program.
- Modify programs and zones, add new zones, delete zones
All entities to support the features are created automatically. You only need to provide the switches, valves for zones and pumps and external sensors that provide information to the system.
testhelpers.yaml provides the configuration to support all the objects for three zones. A set of template switches for the zones and pump as well as inputs to emulate rain and flow sensors.
This allows you to test the program without triggering any 'real' solenoids and will allow you to mimic your configuration in new versions to ensure an operational configuration after coming out your winter hibernation.
Be aware this is a simulation, variations in latency or behaviour of individual implementations will have an impact.
Diagnostic information can be downloaded from the integration menu
Issues identified will be shown in the Notification section of the side bar.
Custom Card🔝
The custom card is installed with the component.
- You can choose to display each zone or the program data in a standalone card. Particularly useful when there are many zones to control the look and feel of the dashboard.
- The program selection will list only Irrigation Controller entities.
- If no zones are selected only the Program will be displayed, use CTRL-CLICK to select multiple zones.
- The show program option shows or hides the program component of the card.
The following items can be configured by adding the confiugration using the code editor option in the card.
title: (optional) The title to be set in the card.
icon: (optional) An icon to display to the left of the title.
theme: (optional) Override the used theme for this card with any loaded theme. For more information about themes, see the frontend documentation.
header: (optional) Header widget to render an image. See header/footer documentation.
footer: (optional) Header widget to render an image. See header/footer documentation.
Support for Allows you to apply CSS styles to various elements of the Home Assistant frontend.
type: custom:irrigation-card-test
program: switch.test_irrigation
- switch.dummy_2
show_program: false
style: |
ha-card {
background-image: url('/local/lawn.png');
--mdc-theme-primary: black;
Note: /local/ is the path to the /config/www directory in you home assistant install.
These are some examples, use F12 on Chrome to discover other style options. My explanation of the action are not definitive the style change can affect other components as well. There are many more style options available that will have an impact. Please share examples and action for me to update this list.
example | action |
background-image: url('/local/lawn.png'); | to set a background image |
background-repeat: no-repeat; | to prevent the image repeating to fill the card |
color: red; | set the general text colour |
--state-active-color: blue; | change the colour of the input_boolean icon 'on' state |
--state-switch-active-color: blue; | change the colour of switch entity icons |
--paper-item-icon-color: red; | set the icon inactive 'off' state colour |
--mdc-theme-primary: black; | set the colour of the program run/stop text |
--paper-slider-active-color: red; | change the slider colour left of the knob |
--paper-slider-knob-color: red; | knob colour when the slider is not at the minimum value |
--paper-slider-knob-start-color: red; | Knob colour when the slider is at the minimum value |
--paper-slider-pin-color: red; | colour of the slider value callout |
--paper-slider-pin-start-color: red; | colour of the slider value callout when at the minimum value |
--paper-slider-container-color: red; | colour of the line to the right of the knob |
Important information🔝
The component relies on accurate switch state information. Some hardware does not update the state of a switch when it turns on or off. The program will wait 5 seconds for the switch to change state after attempting to turn it on or off. If the state has not updated to the expected value the zone will abort and a notification raised.
If the switch becomes unavailable the program the zone will abort and a notification raised
When a change that results in a program being aborted occurs, there is a 5 second delay to accommodate any false readings. For example if the rain sensor switched from off to on and then off again within 5 seconds the program will continue.
This section provides details of how the program operates.
Controllers supported by the Rain Bird Home Assistant integration are supported. The RainBird API will be used to start the zones bypassing the default runtime limitation. There have been reports of issues with the Rain Bird implementation not updating the state of the switch in some circumstances. This will result in a notification indicating a latency problem. This has been noted when using a negative zone transition value.
Four options are available to configure the start time. These can be selected from the Advanced option menu in the configuration.
- Selector
- Provides a time selector to input the scheduled start time.
- Multi time
- Provides a text input to enter multiple start times for a program, for example 6am and 6pm
- Sunrise
- calculates the start time based on the sunrise time provided by the sun integration. A slider provides the ability to offset the time by +/- 4 hours
- Sunset
- calculates the start time based on the sunset time provided by the sun integration. A slider provides the ability to offset the time by +/- 4 hours
The schedule can be configured to:
- To run every 'n' days, 1 = every day, 2 = every two days and so on.
- On specific week days, 'Sun, Tue, Thu' will run the program on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday only.
The schedule can be set at:
- The program level to apply to all zones.
- On each zone. This allows the program to run different zones at varying tempos allowing the lawn to be watered weekly and the pots every 2.
- A combination of both, if both are set the zone level frequency is used.
Automate the watering season using inbuilt calendar funtionality to enable/disable the program.
- When the program is disabled all zones will stop.
- When the zone is disabled the zone will stop.
- When the water source (well) sensor is no longer active.
- The rain sensor will stop a currently running program, advanced options support running completion.
- Some users have soil sensors to determine the adjustment. If this sensor modified the operation of the zone it would impact the watering time adversely.
- When the rain sensor activates during a watering cycle it is optional for the program to continue until completed.
- When the Program is disabled (off)
- When all zones are disabled
- When it is disabled (off)
- When the rain sensor is active (on)
- When the adjustment value is zero (0)
- When the water source (well) sensor is inactive (off)
- Ignore sensors
- This will ignore the state of the Rain Sensor
- Adjustment will default to one (1)
- Water source sensor will be ignored
The zone transition sets the overlap or wait time between zones. This can be used to manage 'hammering' when zones stop and start, or support occasions where your solenoid requires back pressure to operate effectively. A slider allowing +/- 10 seconds is provided.
You can pause and resume a program from the custom card or programaticaly. When paused the running zone will be turned off and the remaining program suspended until the program is resumed.
There is an example of automating the pause feature here
Several sensors can be defined
- A rain sensor can be defined on each zone if active this will prevent the zone activating. Advanced options are available to allow a running program to complete.
- Water source or well sensor, if inactive it will prevent any activation and stop running zones after a 5 second delay.
- Adjustment, this sensor is expected to provide a factor greater than or equal to 0, this is a multiplier applied to the watering time/volume. Use this to adjust the amount of water applied, less on rainy days, more on hot days. If the value is 0 the zone will not run.
You can set the degree of parallel run in the program configuration. A value of 1 will result in the zones runing sequentially. A value of 2 will let two zones run simultanteously the practical limit is the water pressure and number of sprinklers in your zones.
You can also create a switch group using HomeAssistant helper functionality. A group set up this way will allow multiple zones to be treated as a single switch. All the grouped switches will have the same run profile/duration.
You can configure multiple programs to run together, by default if program executions overlap the second program will terminate the active one. This can be disabled in the advance options of the configuration. The setting must be updated on each program instance.
- Watering can be controlled using time
- If you have a calibrated flow sensor water can be measured by volume. If flow falls to zero for longer than 5 seconds the zone will stop.
You can define a pump or master solenoid to be triggered with each zone. This valve will remain on for 5 seconds between zones to limit unnecessary cycling of the pump.
Configuring ECO mode on a zone will provision the wait and repeat options. This is used to limit run off by allowing for multiple short watering cycles to encourage the water to penetrate the soil. Ideal for pot plants.
The next run is set from the start time and frequency provided. Changing the start time forward will initialise a new run even if it has already run on that day.
This is set after any successful completion of the zone. All zones triggered together will have the same last ran value set.
The following events are raised by this component and could be used to trigger other actions when the irrigation program is processed.
- scheduled: false indicates the program was run manually
action: program_turned_on
device_id: switch.test
scheduled: true|false
program: test
- completed: indicates the program was not terminated during the run by a sensor or manually
event_type: irrigation_event
action: program_turned_off
device_id: switch.test
program: test
- scheduled: true|false indicates the zone was run manually
event_type: irrigation_event
action: zone_turned_on
device_id: switch.zone_3
scheduled: true|false
zone: Zone 3
pump: null
runtime: 59
water: 1
wait: 0
repeat: 1
- state: The state after the zone was turned off
event_type: irrigation_event
action: zone_turned_off
device_id: switch.dummy_3
zone: dummy_3
latency: false
state: eco|off|aborted
An automation can then use this data to fire on the event you can refine it by adding specific event data.
alias: irrigation_program_starts
description: "do something when the program is initiated on schedule, not manually"
- platform: event
event_type: irrigation_event
action: program_turned_on
scheduled: true
action: ---- Put your action here ----
mode: single
The configuration of the program initiates the creation of supporting helper entities that enable scheduling you irrigation system.
The most basic implementation only requires:
- The program name
- zone switch All supporting entities are created for you.
The name you enter for the program is used to generate a recognisable switch entity that is the foundation of the component.
Selecting this provides the frequency of operation for all zones that do not have a zone frequency option defined. If you do not select this a zone frequency will be automatically created for each zone.
The options selected/created here are used across the program and zone frequency selectors and supports:
- Numeric values: 1 = every day, 2 = every second day and so on.
- Day of week: valid values are Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun. When a day is selected the program will only execute the defined day.
- Days of the week: Wed, Sat. When selected the program will run on Wednesday and Saturday. This supports specific water restriction is some jurisdictions.
📝 You can extend this by entering your own frequency options for example Mon, Wed, Fri. New groups can only be made up of days of the week.
Selecting the RainBird controller this will result in the RainBird API being used to start the zones bypassing the default runtime limitation.
Uses the rainbird.start_irrigation action to run for a specific period see: Rain Bird
You can optionally configure multiple solenoids to activate concurrently.
- Create a switch group, group helper. This feature allows you to group switches to operate as a single switch.
- All solenoids will operate for the same time.
- You can use this 'new' switch/valve to define a zone.
The Valve or Switch that is exposed in home assistant to operate the irrigation solenoid. 📝 Only open and close commands are supported for the valve implementation. Position based valves are not supported.
Specifying the Zone frequency option will provide the ability for a zone to have an independent frequency from the rest of the program. For example, pot plants can be watered daily but lawns every three days in a single program definition. 📝 The frequency options are defined in the program configuration.
Selecting the ECO feature will provide the Wait/Repeat options to support multiple short watering cycles to limit the runoff. Particularly useful to allow water to penetrate pot plants.
Defining the Pump valve/switch supports the control of a pump or master solenoid. 📝 Only open and close commands are supported for the valve implementation. Position based valves are not supported.
When defined the system operates on the delivery of volume rather than watering for a specified time.
- The flow sensor is monitored to determine the volume of water delivered and varies the watering time dynamically.
- If the flow sensor value is 0, the zone will terminate after 5 minutes.
- The ignore senor feature has no impact on this sensor.
This expects a numeric sensor, input value greater than or equal to 0.
The value is multiplied against the watering time/volume.
- If there has been rain or rain is expected. Reduce the water time with a value < 1.
- Or if a hot spell is expected, increase the watering requirement with a value > 1.
- When the ignore senor option is active, treats this value as 1.
💡Check out OpenWeatherMap History
- This exposes weather data to support the creation of sensors that can be used for this feature.
This expects a true/false binary sensor input. If the value is True, the zone will be suspended and the zone status indication updated.
- When the ignore senor feature is active, treats this value as false.
- Advanced options allows selecting the behaviour when the program is already running:
- Stop: the program will stop after a short delay, a persistent notification is created to highlight the occurrence
- Continue: the program will continue to completion
This expects a true/false binary sensor input. Used to monitor a well status and prevent watering if the water drops below a certain level. Watering will be stopped if this sensor is activated.
- When the ignore senor feature is active, treats this value as true.
Use this to alter the run sequence of the zones. The value increments by 10 as a default to support easier redefinition of the sort order.
This option allows or prevents two programs executing concurrently.
- When enabled (default) the second program to run will terminate the running program.
- A persistent notification is created to highlight the occurrence.
Select an option to change the method that the start time is defined. Options available:
- Time selector, supporting the selection of a single start time for the program
- Multi start, provides a text input that accepts multiple start times for example 08:00:00,18:00:00 to run at 6am and 6pm.
- Sunrise, this provides the base start time of sunrise with an option to offset the time using a numeric slider
- Sunset, this provides the base start time of sunset with an option to offset the time using a numeric slider
Sunrise and sunset are obtained from the SUN integration.
Allows selecting the behaviour when the program is already running:
- Stop: the program will stop after a short delay
- Continue: the program will continue to completion
These options change the default settings for the slider to enter time/volume in the custom card.
This setting allows multiple zones to run concurrently in a program. if set to two, two zones will start and as one finishes another will start. If this setting is selected the zone transition is not available.
This setting enables the production of yaml to implement the equivalent to the custom card. Some users are experiencing issues with the custom card requiring this alternative. The custom card is also based on the entities cards. The yaml is generated on start and when a program configuration is created or modified. Insert the generated yaml into a Manual Card.
Release history🔝
Breaking Change
- Recommend removing and re-adding the configuration
- Removed capability to set frequency via a sensor
- Helpers defined to support start time, frequency, config... are no longer required
- Remove controller monitor functionality
- Custom card refined
A significant redevelopment
- Updated documentation
- New start time options
- Internalised the frequency capability
- All entities that previously required helpers are now created (and cleaned up) automatically
- Functionality is updated and reflects the documentation
- Ignore sensor functions operates on Well, Rain and Adjustment sensors
- Remove controller monitor functionality
- Add persistent notifications when the program is terminated as a result of sensor input.
- Manage entity register when zone is deleted
- Fix run frequency issues
- Reorder zones in the config flow
- Modify the listing config action to include values of the items
- Support sensor for start time, for example the sun sensor to start a program at dawn.
- Support +/- inter zone delay (delay between zone/overlap of zones)
- Improve start/stop processing of zones while a program is running, if a zone is started while a program is running it will be appended to the run.
- Add translation for status values in the card
- Add French translation
- Support for Valve objects - Open/Close only, Position not supported
- Refactor datetime usage for a more consistent approach
- Fix system monitor notification
- Update to hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setups