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Next.js Flask Postgres Starter

This project extends Vercel's nextjs-flask template to demonstrate:

  1. Interaction with the Flask API (the Next app from the base example does not actually interact with the Flask API)
  2. A simple Postgres database creation, migration, and seeding workflow, connected to the Flask app using Flask-Migrate


This is a hybrid Next.js + Python app that uses Next.js as the frontend and Flask as the API backend. It demonstrates how to integrate a Postgres database into this stack, including setup, migrations, and seeding.

Key Features

  • Next.js frontend
  • Flask API backend
  • Postgres database integration
  • Database migration and seeding workflow
  • Can run locally or be hosted on Vercel (or other platforms)


The critical external requirement for this project is a Postgres database and a connection string stored as an environment variable. The project will look for the environment variable in a .env file (using Python's dotenv) when run locally, or in the hosting platform's environment variables (e.g., Vercel's production environment variables) when deployed.

Note on Security: The database security in this example is basic and should be enhanced for production use.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd fullstack-nextjs-flask
  2. Install dependencies:

    pnpm install
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Set up your Postgres database and add the connection string to your .env file:

  4. Initialize the database:

    pnpm run init-db
    pnpm run migrate-db
    pnpm run upgrade-db
    pnpm run seed-db
  5. Run the development server:

    pnpm run dev
  6. Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


This project can be easily hosted on Vercel, but it's also possible to host it on other platforms. Here are the steps for deploying to Vercel:

  1. Push your code to a GitHub repository.

  2. Sign up for a Vercel account if you haven't already.

  3. In Vercel, click "New Project" and import your GitHub repository.

  4. In the configuration step:

    • Framework Preset: Select Next.js
    • Build Command: Use the default (next build)
    • Output Directory: Use the default (.next)
    • Install Command: Change to pnpm install
  5. In the Environment Variables section, add your POSTGRES_URL.

  6. Deploy the project.

For other platforms, ensure that:

  • Both the Next.js frontend and Flask backend are deployed.
  • The POSTGRES_URL environment variable is set.
  • Python dependencies from requirements.txt are installed.
  • Database migrations are run on deployment.

How It Works

The Python/Flask server is mapped into the Next.js app under /api/. This is implemented using next.config.js rewrites to map any request to /api/:path* to the Flask API, hosted in the /api folder.

On localhost, the rewrite will be made to, where the Flask server runs. In production, the Flask server is hosted as serverless functions.

The Postgres database is accessed through SQLAlchemy in the Flask backend, demonstrating basic CRUD operations and migrations.

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