This game, about chernobyl, where bots trying to defeat each other.
#In this game we already have:
- Game map
- Bots - factions that controled all in game.
- Xml structure, so we can to create new maps, and factions
- Bots have Ai so thay attaks each other.
- We have system of movement of units on the map
#What i need to develop(game plan):
!) I need to redevelop Ai of bots
!) Redevelop of all code. (When i started i had bad knowledge of c#)
- Move all resources of game to xml
- Create a game map creator
- Add player!
#Bots logic(Now):
- Calculate a level of supply
- Calculate of battle characteristics of squads faction
- Calculate of nearest aim of capture
- Calculate of exest squads on the map
- Calculate how much faction need squads and humans -> hire then
- Create new squads
- Attak other bases
- Claim resources of allready captured points
- Sell resources