Persimmon.Script is a script helper for Persimmon.
#r @"./packages/Persimmon/lib/net45/Persimmon.dll"
#r @"./packages/Persimmon.Runner/lib/net45/Persimmon.Runner.dll"
#r @"./packages/Persimmon.Script/net45/Persimmon.Script.dll"
open UseTestNameByReflection
open System.Reflection
open Persimmon
// write tests ...
let ``a unit test`` = test {
do! assertEquals 1 2
// collect test from Assembly and run tests
// ===== case ( FSharp Interactive ) =====
new ScriptContext()
|> FSI.collectAndRun( fun _ -> Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() )
// ===== case ( Othres ) =====
new ScriptContext()
|> Script.collectAndRun( fun _ -> Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() )
If you want to use your reporter:
open System.IO
open System.Diagnostics
open System.Reflection
open Persimmon
open Persimmon.Output
// write tests ...
let stopwatch = Stopwatch()
// define original reporter
use writer = new StringWriter()
let summaryPrinter = {
Writer = writer
Formatter = Formatter.SummaryFormatter.normal stopwatch
use reporter =
new Reporter(
new Printer<_>(TextWriter.Null,,
new Printer<_>([summaryPrinter]),
new Printer<_>(writer, Formatter.ErrorFormatter.normal)
use context = new ScriptContext(stopwatch, reporter)
context.CollectAndRun(fun _ -> Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())