Hi there, I'm Nick a first year Computer Science Major.
- Analytical thinking and problem-solving
- Ability to think outside the box and develop creative solutions
- Experience in troubleshooting complex issues and identifying root causes
- Proficient in:
- Core Python:
- Data Structures
- Control Flow
- Functions (instance, static, and class methods)
- Decorators (properties, wrappers, getters and setters)
- Object-Oriented Programming:
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Encapsulation and Abstraction
- Mixins
magic methods for classes- Metaprogramming
- Design Patterns (Factory Methods and Singletons)
- Data manipulation (JSON, CSV, YAML and Parquet)
- Functional Programming
- Exception handling
- File I/O
- Systems administration scripting
- Asynchronous programming
- Web scraping
- Optimization techniques (including cprofile and timeit)
- Command line apps (Argparse)
- Docstrings and Type Hints
- Unit testing (pytest)
- Logging
- Serialization with Pickle and Shelve
- Core Python:
- Libraries:
- Pydantic
- Selenium
- Pandas
- beautifulsoup4
- requests
- Pyarrow
- Jinja
- Numpy
- Pytest
- Development Tools:
- Poetry
- Mypy
- black
- autopep8
- Proficient in:
- Python scripting for Windows, Linux and MacOS
- Bash, Posix sh, and ZSH scripting for managing Linux and MacOS
- PowerShell scripting for Windows
- Python scripting for Windows, Linux and MacOS
- Proficient in:
- Vanilla JavaScript and basic TypeScript
- Proficient in:
- SQL databases including MySql and Postgresql
- NoSQL databases including MongoDB
- Sqlite for simple caching
- Proficient in:
- Core Java (OOP concepts, primitive data types, control flow)
- Exception handling
- File I/O
- Database connectivity (JDBC for SQL)
- Build tools:
- Maven
- Gradle
- Building user interfaces with JavaFX/OpenJFX (using FXML)
- Git (Github, Gitlab)
- VSCode
- Build Tools (build automation):
- Meson, CMake, Autotools (libtool, Make)
- Proficient and comfortable on the command line with extensive experience in various areas, including:
- Network Management: SSH, scp, rsync, curl, wget, aria2
- Security: gpg, openpgp
- System Administration:
- File System Management: Proficient in partitioning, formatting, and managing filesystems (e.g., XFS, BTRFS, LVM and RAID with experience in tool usage like cfdisk, fdisk, gdisk and parted)
- Network file systems: NTFS and Samba
- Bootloader Configuration: Experienced in configuring bootloaders for different system types (UEFI/BIOS) and partition schemes (MBR/GPT) with GRUB and Systemd-boot, including dual booting Windows and Linux
- Utilities: top/atop/htop, df, du, find, etc.
- Text manipulation: grep, ripgrep, sed, awk, tr, cut
- Network monitoring: nmap, netcat, tcpdump, iptables
- Systemd services, CRON jobs
- Proficient on any operating system:
- Extensive experience with Gentoo Linux, Arch Linux, and Debian-based distros (e.g., Ubuntu, Mint)
- Familiar with NixOS, RHEL-based distros (e.g., Red Hat, CentOS, Rocky, Fedora), and SUSE Linux
- Familiar with OpenBSD and FreeBSD
Windows: Advanced power-usage with Powertoys
Package managers for all of these:
- Adept at using package managers across various distributions: APT, pacman (AUR), nix, dnf/yum, portage, zypper, winget/scoop, and Homebrew
- Docker
- Virtual Box
- HyperV
- Vmware