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Fix issue haskell/ghcide#710: fix suggest delete binding (haskell/ghc…
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* [CodeAction] reimplement suggestDeleteBinding

* [CodeAction] handle whole line removal for suggestDeleteUnusedBinding

* [CodeAction] add test for bug haskell/ghcide#710

* [CodeAction] add more tests for suggesting unused binding

* fix hlint warnings

* fix hlint warnings

* remove unused imports

* fix compilation problem for 8.4

* remove redundant pattern matching

* reconcile the disagreement of a pattern matching is redundant
  • Loading branch information
rayshih authored Sep 2, 2020
1 parent 023cfb6 commit 6ce39a9
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Showing 4 changed files with 235 additions and 24 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/GHC/Compat.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ module Development.IDE.GHC.Compat(
pattern IEThingWith,
pattern VarPat,
pattern PatSynBind,
pattern ValBinds,
pattern HsValBinds,
pattern ModLocation,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,6 +95,8 @@ import GHC hiding (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,6 +292,22 @@ pattern PatSynBind x <-
GHC.PatSynBind x

pattern ValBinds :: LHsBinds p -> [LSig p] -> HsValBindsLR p p
pattern ValBinds b s <-
GHC.ValBinds _ b s
GHC.ValBindsIn b s

pattern HsValBinds :: HsValBindsLR p p -> HsLocalBindsLR p p
pattern HsValBinds b <-
GHC.HsValBinds _ b
GHC.HsValBinds b

setHieDir :: FilePath -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
setHieDir _f d =
Expand Down
135 changes: 111 additions & 24 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Plugin/CodeAction.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ import Data.List.Extra
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Tuple.Extra ((&&&))
import HscTypes
import SrcLoc (sortLocated)
import Parser
import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~), (=~~))
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text()
Expand All @@ -58,6 +57,7 @@ import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Data.Functor
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Safe (atMay)
import Bag (isEmptyBag)

plugin :: Plugin c
plugin = codeActionPluginWithRules rules codeAction <> Plugin mempty setHandlersCodeLens
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ suggestAction dflags packageExports ideOptions parsedModule text diag = concat
[ suggestNewDefinition ideOptions pm text diag
++ suggestRemoveRedundantImport pm text diag
++ suggestNewImport packageExports pm diag
++ suggestDeleteTopBinding pm diag
++ suggestDeleteUnusedBinding pm text diag
++ suggestExportUnusedTopBinding text pm diag
| Just pm <- [parsedModule]]

Expand All @@ -178,32 +178,119 @@ suggestRemoveRedundantImport ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{hsmod
= [("Remove import", [TextEdit (extendToWholeLineIfPossible contents _range) ""])]
| otherwise = []

suggestDeleteTopBinding :: ParsedModule -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestDeleteTopBinding ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{hsmodDecls}} Diagnostic{_range=_range,..}
-- Foo.hs:4:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘f’
suggestDeleteUnusedBinding :: ParsedModule -> Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
ParsedModule{pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule{hsmodDecls}}
-- Foo.hs:4:1: warning: [-Wunused-binds] Defined but not used: ‘f’
| Just [name] <- matchRegex _message ".*Defined but not used: ‘([^ ]+)’"
, let allTopLevel = filter (isTopLevel . fst)
. map (\(L l b) -> (srcSpanToRange l, b))
. sortLocated
$ hsmodDecls
sameName = filter (matchesBindingName (T.unpack name) . snd) allTopLevel
, not (null sameName)
= [("Delete ‘" <> name <> "", flip TextEdit "" . toNextBinding allTopLevel . fst <$> sameName )]
, Just indexedContent <- indexedByPosition . T.unpack <$> contents
= let edits = flip TextEdit "" <$> relatedRanges indexedContent (T.unpack name)
in ([("Delete ‘" <> name <> "", edits) | not (null edits)])
| otherwise = []
isTopLevel l = (_character . _start) l == 0

forwardLines lines r = r {_end = (_end r) {_line = (_line . _end $ r) + lines, _character = 0}}

toNextBinding bindings r@Range { _end = Position {_line = l} }
| Just (Range { _start = Position {_line = l'}}, _) <- find ((> l) . _line . _start . fst) bindings
= forwardLines (l' - l) r
toNextBinding _ r = r
relatedRanges indexedContent name =
concatMap (findRelatedSpans indexedContent name) hsmodDecls
toRange = srcSpanToRange
extendForSpaces = extendToIncludePreviousNewlineIfPossible

findRelatedSpans :: PositionIndexedString -> String -> Located (HsDecl GhcPs) -> [Range]
(L l (ValD (extractNameAndMatchesFromFunBind -> Just (lname, matches)))) =
case lname of
(L nLoc _name) | isTheBinding nLoc ->
let findSig (L l (SigD sig)) = findRelatedSigSpan indexedContent name l sig
findSig _ = []
[extendForSpaces indexedContent $ toRange l]
++ concatMap findSig hsmodDecls
_ -> concatMap (findRelatedSpanForMatch indexedContent name) matches
findRelatedSpans _ _ _ = []

:: HsBind GhcPs
-> Maybe (Located (IdP GhcPs), [LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)])
{ fun_id=lname
, fun_matches=MG {mg_alts=L _ matches}
} = Just (lname, matches)
extractNameAndMatchesFromFunBind _ = Nothing

findRelatedSigSpan :: PositionIndexedString -> String -> SrcSpan -> Sig GhcPs -> [Range]
findRelatedSigSpan indexedContent name l sig =
let maybeSpan = findRelatedSigSpan1 name sig
in case maybeSpan of
Nothing -> []
Just (_span, True) -> pure $ extendForSpaces indexedContent $ toRange l -- a :: Int
Just (span, False) -> pure $ toRange span -- a, b :: Int, a is unused

-- Second of the tuple means there is only one match
findRelatedSigSpan1 :: String -> Sig GhcPs -> Maybe (SrcSpan, Bool)
findRelatedSigSpan1 name (TypeSig lnames _) =
let maybeIdx = findIndex (\(L _ id) -> isSameName id name) lnames
in case maybeIdx of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just _ | length lnames == 1 -> Just (getLoc $ head lnames, True)
Just idx ->
let targetLname = getLoc $ lnames !! idx
startLoc = srcSpanStart targetLname
endLoc = srcSpanEnd targetLname
startLoc' = if idx == 0
then startLoc
else srcSpanEnd . getLoc $ lnames !! (idx - 1)
endLoc' = if idx == 0 && idx < length lnames - 1
then srcSpanStart . getLoc $ lnames !! (idx + 1)
else endLoc
in Just (mkSrcSpan startLoc' endLoc', False)
findRelatedSigSpan1 _ _ = Nothing

-- for where clause
:: PositionIndexedString
-> String
-> LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
-> [Range]
(L _ Match{m_grhss=GRHSs{grhssLocalBinds}}) = do
case grhssLocalBinds of
(L _ (HsValBinds (ValBinds bag lsigs))) ->
if isEmptyBag bag
then []
else concatMap (findRelatedSpanForHsBind indexedContent name lsigs) bag
_ -> []
findRelatedSpanForMatch _ _ _ = []

matchesBindingName :: String -> HsDecl GhcPs -> Bool
matchesBindingName b (ValD FunBind {fun_id=L _ x}) = showSDocUnsafe (ppr x) == b
matchesBindingName b (SigD (TypeSig (L _ x:_) _)) = showSDocUnsafe (ppr x) == b
matchesBindingName _ _ = False
:: PositionIndexedString
-> String
-> [LSig GhcPs]
-> LHsBind GhcPs
-> [Range]
(L l (extractNameAndMatchesFromFunBind -> Just (lname, matches))) =
if isTheBinding (getLoc lname)
let findSig (L l sig) = findRelatedSigSpan indexedContent name l sig
in [extendForSpaces indexedContent $ toRange l] ++ concatMap findSig lsigs
else concatMap (findRelatedSpanForMatch indexedContent name) matches
findRelatedSpanForHsBind _ _ _ _ = []

isTheBinding :: SrcSpan -> Bool
isTheBinding span = srcSpanToRange span == _range

isSameName :: IdP GhcPs -> String -> Bool
isSameName x name = showSDocUnsafe (ppr x) == name

data ExportsAs = ExportName | ExportPattern | ExportAll
deriving (Eq)
Expand Down
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Plugin/CodeAction/PositionIndexed.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction.PositionIndexed
, indexedByPosition
, indexedByPositionStartingFrom
, extendAllToIncludeCommaIfPossible
, extendToIncludePreviousNewlineIfPossible
, mergeRanges
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,3 +111,21 @@ extendToIncludeCommaIfPossible indexedString range
| otherwise
= [range]

extendToIncludePreviousNewlineIfPossible :: PositionIndexedString -> Range -> Range
extendToIncludePreviousNewlineIfPossible indexedString range
| Just (before, _, _) <- unconsRange range indexedString
, maybeFirstSpacePos <- lastSpacePos $ reverse before
= case maybeFirstSpacePos of
Nothing -> range
Just pos -> range { _start = pos }
| otherwise = range
lastSpacePos :: PositionIndexedString -> Maybe Position
lastSpacePos [] = Nothing
lastSpacePos ((pos, c):xs) =
if not $ isSpace c
then Nothing -- didn't find any space
else case xs of
(y:ys) | isSpace $ snd y -> lastSpacePos (y:ys)
_ -> Just pos
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions ghcide/test/exe/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1202,6 +1202,91 @@ deleteUnusedDefinitionTests = testGroup "delete unused definition action"
, ""
, "some = ()"
, testSession "delete unused binding in where clause" $
(T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}"
, "module A (h, g) where"
, ""
, "h :: Int"
, "h = 3"
, ""
, "g :: Int"
, "g = 6"
, " where"
, " h :: Int"
, " h = 4"
, ""
(10, 4)
"Delete ‘h’"
(T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}"
, "module A (h, g) where"
, ""
, "h :: Int"
, "h = 3"
, ""
, "g :: Int"
, "g = 6"
, " where"
, ""
, testSession "delete unused binding with multi-oneline signatures front" $
(T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}"
, "module A (b, c) where"
, ""
, "a, b, c :: Int"
, "a = 3"
, "b = 4"
, "c = 5"
(4, 0)
"Delete ‘a’"
(T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}"
, "module A (b, c) where"
, ""
, "b, c :: Int"
, "b = 4"
, "c = 5"
, testSession "delete unused binding with multi-oneline signatures mid" $
(T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}"
, "module A (a, c) where"
, ""
, "a, b, c :: Int"
, "a = 3"
, "b = 4"
, "c = 5"
(5, 0)
"Delete ‘b’"
(T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}"
, "module A (a, c) where"
, ""
, "a, c :: Int"
, "a = 3"
, "c = 5"
, testSession "delete unused binding with multi-oneline signatures end" $
(T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}"
, "module A (a, b) where"
, ""
, "a, b, c :: Int"
, "a = 3"
, "b = 4"
, "c = 5"
(6, 0)
"Delete ‘c’"
(T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-binds #-}"
, "module A (a, b) where"
, ""
, "a, b :: Int"
, "a = 3"
, "b = 4"
testFor source pos expectedTitle expectedResult = do
Expand Down

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