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Code action: add constraint (haskell/ghcide#653)
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* Add missing instance constraint

* Add missing instance constraint with existing constraints

* Add missing function constraint

* Add missing function consraint with existing constraints

* Add some comments

* Improve type signature regex

* Remove redundant bracket

* Improve missing constraint searching.

Create entrypoint for missing constraint code action, in order to have a more
efficient parsing by routing to the relevant implementation.

Fix type signature name parsing.

Minor refactor.

* Minor refactor
  • Loading branch information
DenisFrezzato authored Jun 29, 2020
1 parent ecedac0 commit 57ab325
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Showing 2 changed files with 264 additions and 0 deletions.
138 changes: 138 additions & 0 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Plugin/CodeAction.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ import Outputable (ppr, showSDocUnsafe)
import DynFlags (xFlags, FlagSpec(..))
import GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type (Extension)
import System.Time.Extra (showDuration, duration)
import Data.Function
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Data.Functor

plugin :: Plugin c
plugin = codeActionPluginWithRules rules codeAction <> Plugin mempty setHandlersCodeLens
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,6 +158,7 @@ suggestAction dflags packageExports ideOptions parsedModule text diag = concat
, suggestModuleTypo diag
, suggestReplaceIdentifier text diag
, suggestSignature True diag
, suggestConstraint text diag
] ++ concat
[ suggestNewDefinition ideOptions pm text diag
++ suggestRemoveRedundantImport pm text diag
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -404,6 +408,140 @@ suggestSignature isQuickFix Diagnostic{_range=_range@Range{..},..}

suggestSignature _ _ = []

-- | Suggests a constraint for a declaration for which a constraint is missing.
suggestConstraint :: Maybe T.Text -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestConstraint mContents diag@Diagnostic {..}
| Just contents <- mContents
, Just missingConstraint <- findMissingConstraint _message
= let codeAction = if _message =~ ("the type signature for:" :: String)
then suggestFunctionConstraint
else suggestInstanceConstraint
in codeAction contents diag missingConstraint
| otherwise = []
findMissingConstraint :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
findMissingConstraint t =
let regex = "(No instance for|Could not deduce) \\((.+)\\) arising from a use of"
in matchRegex t regex <&> last

normalizeConstraints :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
normalizeConstraints existingConstraints constraint =
let constraintsInit = if "(" `T.isPrefixOf` existingConstraints
then T.dropEnd 1 existingConstraints
else "(" <> existingConstraints
in constraintsInit <> ", " <> constraint <> ")"

-- | Suggests a constraint for an instance declaration for which a constraint is missing.
suggestInstanceConstraint :: T.Text -> Diagnostic -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestInstanceConstraint contents Diagnostic {..} missingConstraint
-- Suggests a constraint for an instance declaration with no existing constraints.
-- • No instance for (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘==’
-- Possible fix: add (Eq a) to the context of the instance declaration
-- • In the expression: x == y
-- In an equation for ‘==’: (Wrap x) == (Wrap y) = x == y
-- In the instance declaration for ‘Eq (Wrap a)’
| Just [instanceDeclaration] <- matchRegex _message "In the instance declaration for ‘([^`]*)’"
= let instanceLine = contents
& T.splitOn ("instance " <> instanceDeclaration)
& head & T.lines & length
startOfConstraint = Position instanceLine (length ("instance " :: String))
range = Range startOfConstraint startOfConstraint
newConstraint = missingConstraint <> " => "
in [(actionTitle missingConstraint, [TextEdit range newConstraint])]

-- Suggests a constraint for an instance declaration with one or more existing constraints.
-- • Could not deduce (Eq b) arising from a use of ‘==’
-- from the context: Eq a
-- bound by the instance declaration at /path/to/Main.hs:7:10-32
-- Possible fix: add (Eq b) to the context of the instance declaration
-- • In the second argument of ‘(&&)’, namely ‘x' == y'’
-- In the expression: x == y && x' == y'
-- In an equation for ‘==’:
-- (Pair x x') == (Pair y y') = x == y && x' == y'
| Just [instanceLineStr, constraintFirstCharStr]
<- matchRegex _message "bound by the instance declaration at .+:([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"
= let existingConstraints = findExistingConstraints _message
newConstraints = normalizeConstraints existingConstraints missingConstraint
instanceLine = readPositionNumber instanceLineStr
constraintFirstChar = readPositionNumber constraintFirstCharStr
startOfConstraint = Position instanceLine constraintFirstChar
endOfConstraint = Position instanceLine $
constraintFirstChar + T.length existingConstraints
range = Range startOfConstraint endOfConstraint
in [(actionTitle missingConstraint, [TextEdit range newConstraints])]
| otherwise = []
findExistingConstraints :: T.Text -> T.Text
findExistingConstraints t =
T.replace "from the context: " "" . T.strip $ T.lines t !! 1

readPositionNumber :: T.Text -> Int
readPositionNumber = T.unpack >>> read >>> pred

actionTitle :: T.Text -> T.Text
actionTitle constraint = "Add `" <> constraint
<> "` to the context of the instance declaration"

findTypeSignatureName :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
findTypeSignatureName t = matchRegex t "([^ ]+) :: " <&> head

findTypeSignatureLine :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Int
findTypeSignatureLine contents typeSignatureName =
T.splitOn (typeSignatureName <> " :: ") contents & head & T.lines & length

-- | Suggests a constraint for a type signature for which a constraint is missing.
suggestFunctionConstraint :: T.Text -> Diagnostic -> T.Text -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestFunctionConstraint contents Diagnostic{..} missingConstraint
-- Suggests a constraint for a type signature with any number of existing constraints.
-- • No instance for (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘==’
-- Possible fix:
-- add (Eq a) to the context of
-- the type signature for:
-- eq :: forall a. a -> a -> Bool
-- • In the expression: x == y
-- In an equation for ‘eq’: eq x y = x == y

-- • Could not deduce (Eq b) arising from a use of ‘==’
-- from the context: Eq a
-- bound by the type signature for:
-- eq :: forall a b. Eq a => Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool
-- at Main.hs:5:1-42
-- Possible fix:
-- add (Eq b) to the context of
-- the type signature for:
-- eq :: forall a b. Eq a => Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool
-- • In the second argument of ‘(&&)’, namely ‘y == y'’
-- In the expression: x == x' && y == y'
-- In an equation for ‘eq’:
-- eq (Pair x y) (Pair x' y') = x == x' && y == y'
| Just typeSignatureName <- findTypeSignatureName _message
= let mExistingConstraints = findExistingConstraints _message
newConstraint = buildNewConstraints missingConstraint mExistingConstraints
typeSignatureLine = findTypeSignatureLine contents typeSignatureName
typeSignatureFirstChar = T.length $ typeSignatureName <> " :: "
startOfConstraint = Position typeSignatureLine typeSignatureFirstChar
endOfConstraint = Position typeSignatureLine $
typeSignatureFirstChar + maybe 0 T.length mExistingConstraints
range = Range startOfConstraint endOfConstraint
in [(actionTitle missingConstraint typeSignatureName, [TextEdit range newConstraint])]
| otherwise = []
findExistingConstraints :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
findExistingConstraints message =
if message =~ ("from the context:" :: String)
then fmap (T.strip . head) $ matchRegex message "\\. ([^=]+)"
else Nothing

buildNewConstraints :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text -> T.Text
buildNewConstraints constraint mExistingConstraints =
case mExistingConstraints of
Just existingConstraints -> normalizeConstraints existingConstraints constraint
Nothing -> constraint <> " => "

actionTitle :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
actionTitle constraint typeSignatureName = "Add `" <> constraint
<> "` to the context of the type signature for `" <> typeSignatureName <> "`"


suggestNewImport :: PackageExportsMap -> ParsedModule -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
Expand Down
126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions ghcide/test/exe/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -481,6 +481,8 @@ codeActionTests = testGroup "code actions"
, addSigActionTests
, insertNewDefinitionTests
, deleteUnusedDefinitionTests
, addInstanceConstraintTests
, addFunctionConstraintTests

codeLensesTests :: TestTree
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1328,6 +1330,130 @@ fillTypedHoleTests = let

addInstanceConstraintTests :: TestTree
addInstanceConstraintTests = let
missingConstraintSourceCode :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text
missingConstraintSourceCode mConstraint =
let constraint = maybe "" (<> " => ") mConstraint
in T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, ""
, "data Wrap a = Wrap a"
, ""
, "instance " <> constraint <> "Eq (Wrap a) where"
, " (Wrap x) == (Wrap y) = x == y"

incompleteConstraintSourceCode :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text
incompleteConstraintSourceCode mConstraint =
let constraint = maybe "Eq a" (\c -> "(Eq a, " <> c <> ")") mConstraint
in T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, ""
, "data Pair a b = Pair a b"
, ""
, "instance " <> constraint <> " => Eq (Pair a b) where"
, " (Pair x y) == (Pair x' y') = x == x' && y == y'"

incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text
incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 mConstraint =
let constraint = maybe "(Eq a, Eq b)" (\c -> "(Eq a, Eq b, " <> c <> ")") mConstraint
in T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, ""
, "data Three a b c = Three a b c"
, ""
, "instance " <> constraint <> " => Eq (Three a b c) where"
, " (Three x y z) == (Three x' y' z') = x == x' && y == y' && z == z'"

check :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> TestTree
check actionTitle originalCode expectedCode = testSession (T.unpack actionTitle) $ do
doc <- createDoc "Testing.hs" "haskell" originalCode
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 6 0) (Position 6 68))
chosenAction <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle actionTitle actionsOrCommands
executeCodeAction chosenAction
modifiedCode <- documentContents doc
liftIO $ expectedCode @=? modifiedCode

in testGroup "add instance constraint"
[ check
"Add `Eq a` to the context of the instance declaration"
(missingConstraintSourceCode Nothing)
(missingConstraintSourceCode $ Just "Eq a")
, check
"Add `Eq b` to the context of the instance declaration"
(incompleteConstraintSourceCode Nothing)
(incompleteConstraintSourceCode $ Just "Eq b")
, check
"Add `Eq c` to the context of the instance declaration"
(incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 Nothing)
(incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 $ Just "Eq c")

addFunctionConstraintTests :: TestTree
addFunctionConstraintTests = let
missingConstraintSourceCode :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text
missingConstraintSourceCode mConstraint =
let constraint = maybe "" (<> " => ") mConstraint
in T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, ""
, "eq :: " <> constraint <> "a -> a -> Bool"
, "eq x y = x == y"

incompleteConstraintSourceCode :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text
incompleteConstraintSourceCode mConstraint =
let constraint = maybe "Eq a" (\c -> "(Eq a, " <> c <> ")") mConstraint
in T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, ""
, "data Pair a b = Pair a b"
, ""
, "eq :: " <> constraint <> " => Pair a b -> Pair a b -> Bool"
, "eq (Pair x y) (Pair x' y') = x == x' && y == y'"

incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 :: Maybe T.Text -> T.Text
incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 mConstraint =
let constraint = maybe "(Eq a, Eq b)" (\c -> "(Eq a, Eq b, " <> c <> ")") mConstraint
in T.unlines
[ "module Testing where"
, ""
, "data Three a b c = Three a b c"
, ""
, "eq :: " <> constraint <> " => Three a b c -> Three a b c -> Bool"
, "eq (Three x y z) (Three x' y' z') = x == x' && y == y' && z == z'"

check :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> TestTree
check actionTitle originalCode expectedCode = testSession (T.unpack actionTitle) $ do
doc <- createDoc "Testing.hs" "haskell" originalCode
_ <- waitForDiagnostics
actionsOrCommands <- getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 6 0) (Position 6 maxBound))
chosenAction <- liftIO $ pickActionWithTitle actionTitle actionsOrCommands
executeCodeAction chosenAction
modifiedCode <- documentContents doc
liftIO $ expectedCode @=? modifiedCode

in testGroup "add function constraint"
[ check
"Add `Eq a` to the context of the type signature for `eq`"
(missingConstraintSourceCode Nothing)
(missingConstraintSourceCode $ Just "Eq a")
, check
"Add `Eq b` to the context of the type signature for `eq`"
(incompleteConstraintSourceCode Nothing)
(incompleteConstraintSourceCode $ Just "Eq b")
, check
"Add `Eq c` to the context of the type signature for `eq`"
(incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 Nothing)
(incompleteConstraintSourceCode2 $ Just "Eq c")

addSigActionTests :: TestTree
addSigActionTests = let
header = "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wmissing-signatures -Wmissing-pattern-synonym-signatures #-}"
Expand Down

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