This Python script utilizes OpenCV and Dlib to perform facial landmark detection on video from a webcam. Users can toggle the display of bounding boxes, facial landmark dots, and lines connecting landmarks in real-time using a simple Tkinter GUI.
The script performs the following steps:
- Checks for available cameras on the system.
- Downloads a pre-trained Dlib facial landmark detection model if not present.
- Initializes a Tkinter GUI for toggling the display of boxes, dots, and lines on detected faces.
- Opens a selected camera using OpenCV and begins capturing video.
- Converts the video frames to grayscale for facial detection.
- Uses the Dlib detector to find faces and the predictor to locate facial landmarks.
- Draws the desired facial landmark visualization on the frame.
- Displays the video with an overlay of facial landmarks in real-time.
- Allows the user to exit the program by pressing 'q'.
To use this script, you will need Python installed on your system, as well as the following Python libraries:
git clone
cd facerecognize
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can install the necessary libraries using pip
pip install opencv-python dlib numpy
Note: Tkinter comes pre-installed with Python.
Run the script in a terminal or command prompt:
Use the Tkinter GUI to toggle the display modes for the detection:
- Click "Box" to toggle the display of bounding boxes around detected faces.
- Click "Dots" to toggle the display of facial landmark dots.
- Click "Lines" to toggle the display of lines connecting facial landmarks.
- To quit the application, focus on the video window and press the 'q' key.
To output the facial landmark detection to a virtual camera that can be used in video calls, streaming, or any application that accepts a camera input, follow these steps:
- Download and install OBS Studio from the official website.
- Open OBS Studio and create a new scene.
- Add a new source by clicking the '+' button in the Sources panel and select 'Window Capture'.
- Choose the window that displays the facial landmark detection (the 'frame' window from the script).
- Resize and adjust the source as needed to fit the canvas.
- Go to 'Tools' > 'VirtualCam' in the OBS menu bar.
- Click on 'Start' to start the virtual camera output, choose the capture screen.
- In your video call or streaming application, select the OBS virtual camera as your camera source.
- Now you should see the facial landmark detection overlay in your chosen application.