Terraform module that populates a security group with cloudflare ip ranges and keeps it updated daily.
The following resources are created:
- A lambda function that keeps your security group's ingress rules updated with published cloudflare ip ranges.
- A cloudwatch event rule with a schedule to trigger the lambda daily
module "cloudflare-ips" {
source = "github.com/orzarchi/terraform-aws-cloudflare-security-group"
security_group_id = "${aws_security_group.cloudflare.id}"
enabled= "${var.use_cloudflare}"
- security_group_id: An existing security group to populate with cloudflare ips as ingress rules.
- schedule_expression: The cloudwatch schedule expression used to run the updater lambda. Defaults to every day at 20:00.
- enabled (Optional) - whether to do anything at all, useful if cloudflare is not needed on all environments. Accepts the string "true" or "false". Defaults to "true"