Social Like-only Button Collection. Can be used not to loose FB subscribers and 'likers'. It uses HTML5, CSS, jQuery.
- - Facebook like-only btn
Send data to iframe via URL #hash Hash variables are:
- 'text' for Button Text
- 'locale' to set FB locale (en_US by default)
- 'appID' to set FB App ID associated with the url the button is loading from
- 'urltolike' is urldecoded component to set URL to like
- - Facebook like-only btn
Use as iframe with set:
- Facebook App Id,
- URL to like
- Button Text
- Locale
<iframe src="{appID}&locale={locale}&text={like button text}&urltolike={encoded URL to like}"></iframe>
Resent Changes:
- v0.1: Just Facebook Like-only Button