Ansible playbook to install and run the DIO pipeline.
sudo apt install ansible
ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
ansible-galaxy collection install kubernetes.core
ansible-galaxy collection install cloud.common
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubernetes
- Add the master information in the group "[master]" (syntax below)
- Add the workers information in the group "[node]" (syntax below)
<hostname> ansible_host=<host_ip> ansible_python_interpreter='python3'
ansible-playbook -u <username> -i hosts.ini playbook.yml
ansible-playbook -u <username> -i hosts.ini playbook.yml -e is_vm=true
ansible-playbook -u <username> -i hosts.ini dio_playbook.yml --tags prepare_setup
ansible-playbook -u <username> -i hosts.ini dio_playbook.yml --tags deploy_dio -e run_all=true
ansible-playbook -u <username> -i hosts.ini dio_playbook.yml --tags deploy_dio
ansible-playbook -u <username> -i hosts.ini dio_playbook.yml --tags delete_dio -e run_all=true
ansible-playbook -u <username> -i hosts.ini dio_playbook.yml --tags delete_dio
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