This is an updated Version of the KINT Project: by @stefankmitph find it here
Folowing updates for project to work with Android 3.5.2
- minSdkVersion 15
- compileSdkVersion 28
- buildToolsVersion "28.0.3"
gradle version 3.4.2
gradle-wrapper properties : 5.1.1
Click on the image to open google play store
1. [ ] Bookmark Verse
2. [ ] Search for text in a particular Book
1. Base Packaged name changed from stefankmitp to peace_shillong
2. Changed from inheriting from ActionBarActivity to inherit from AppCompatActivity
3. Added: Export Verse as Image and Share Verse as Image option
To allow user to export/share Verse as image
4. Database Changes: Fixed/added and checked
- 1 Cor 3:4 word fixed "however"
5. Changed the activity_selection.xml layout inside the res->layout folder
6. Migrated to AndroidX Artifacts
7. Added request for Storage permissions for android N and above