Every interface return types includes:
- errcode {Number} - this request status. any output other than 0 is on behalf of this request error
- errmsg {String} - error message. this value should only be used for debugging
Get all tabs.
Return types:
- tag_length {Number}
- tag {Object}
- key {String} [value].alias
- value {TagInfo}
Get all category.
Return types:
- category_length {Number}
- category {Object}
- key {String} [value].alias
- value {CategoryInfo}
Get a posts detail.
URL param:
- posts_id {PostsInfo.id} - which posts detail do you want?
Return types: A PostsInfo.
Get posts list.
Return types:
- posts_length {Number}
- posts_list {Array<PostsInfo(-PostsInfo.md_content)>}
Get posts list which has this tag.
URL param:
- tag_alias {TagInfo.alias}
Return types: Same as GET /post/all
Get posts list which in this category.
URL param:
- category_alias {CategoryInfo.alias}
Return types: Same as GET /post/all
- TagInfo.name {String} - the tag name
- TagInfo.alias {String(/^\w+$/)} - the tag unique identifier
- CategoryInfo.name {String} - the category name
- CategoryInfo.alias {String(/^\w+$/)} - the category unique identifier
- CategoryInfo.parent_alias {CategoryInfo.alias} - the category's parent category
- CategoryInfo.child_alias_list {Array<CategoryInfo.alias>} - the category's child category
- PostsInfo.id {Number} - the posts unique identifier
- PostsInfo.title {String}
- PostsInfo.description {String}
- PostsInfo.md_content {String} - the markdown source code of posts
- PostsInfo.tag_list {Array<TagInfo.alias>} - the posts's tag list
- PostsInfo.category_list {Array<CategoryInfo.alias>} - the posts's category list
- PostsInfo.update_time {Date}
- PostsInfo.create_time {Date}