..generates a simple single-file html image gallery of a folder.
"galleriet" is swedish for "the gallery", the definite article "et" is expressed as a suffix.
apt-get install libxslt1-dev libexif-dev libmagickwand-dev
cd to galleriet/src
$ make
Make compiles executable binaries into the bin/Debug and bin/Release directory.
The xsl file has to be in the same path as the binary. You can link to the gallery.xsl file of the source dir or put it in /usr/share/galleriet/gallery.xsl
-x skip generate xml and use ./gallery.xml for xslt
-m generate HTML and resize Images,
-t <gallerytitle> set title
-o <outfile> HTML-File (default:stdout)
generating HTML (xslt)
# generate html and medium sized images (keeps original files)
$ bin/Release/galleriet -m -o "/home/username/Pictures/picfolder/index.html" "/home/username/Pictures/picfolder"
# view in browser
xdg-open /home/username/Pictures/picfolder/index.html
Generate a password protected Directory
$ htpasswd -b -c /var/www/files/passwd/passwords admin admin101
In /var/www/protected/.htaccess, or in httpd.conf inside a <Directory /var/www/protected> section.
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted Files"
# (Following line optional)
AuthBasicProvider file
AuthUserFile /var/www/files/passwd/passwords
Require user admin
- only jpg's are supported
- make install: #ifdef RESOURCES_DIR and exists use it
- option: define xmlfile for xslt
- generate xml in pwd?
- generate thumbs for overview (index)
- js: save rotate property in cookie?
- js: url-hash history?
- addImageXml - use_relpath? name = basename(name)
- option: supported fileformats - current pattern: *.jpg
- fix warning "DOCBparser deprecated" with -lxml2
- Libxslt - the XSLT C library developed for the GNOME project
- GD - open source code library for the dynamic creation of images
- libexif
- progressbar: rosshemsley's blogpost
Patches are welcome!