The Dark Knight Typing app is a typing practice game aimed to help a user learning to type enhance their skills and enjoy themselves at the same time. The user acts as Batman's GPS, typing out various locations where the caped crusader needs to go to put an end to Joker's schemes. The game will utilize the Chicago City Crime Data Base to randomly generate a crime and location for each round. Then, the user will have to type the message that appears on the screen to send to Batman, and if the message isn't typed correctly, the communication won't go through and the user will have to try again. Dark Knight Typing design and functionality was created with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The app is currently deployed on Surge.
Link to deployed site:
- Be built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Use Axios to consume data from an external source, and render that data into the DOM.
- Use flexbox (display: flex).
- Implement responsive design on 3 screen sizes (including desktop) using 2 media queries (tablet and mobile).
- Host on Surge.
- Implement more dynamic CSS.
- Create a timer function, giving the user only a certain amount of time to complete each round.
- Add a "final" level, where the user takes on the Joker.
- Include more variety in the messages the user has to send, allowing the user to improve on multiple areas in their typing.