MNIST classifier using CNTK written in C++ and C#. Only used fully-connected layers. There are two versions of this program - both ones do exactly the same thing, but vary in languages.
The entry point of the program.
The file has the definition of 3 classes: Mnist, MnistItem and NormalizedMnistItem.
The list of Mnist items.
The class incldues image information and label information of single MNIST item.
The class converts values of range [0, 255] to values of range [0.0, 1.0] and performs One-hot encoding.
The file has the definition of MnistClassifier class, which does training and evaluation.
The owner of this repository is neither a experienced programmer nor a skilled English speaker; there might be some foolish programmatical errors and some English errors. Please inform me if there is any kind of error in files of this repository.