Hosted Link -
- Able to login/signup with email and password.
- Able to post/edit the tasks (with details), set estimated time to complete the full task(minute, hour, days) and the points(1-500) to be rewarded for the task on completion.
- Able to view the task submitted by the user and rate the task. (Rewards to be - assigned to users if a task is approved).
- Able to view the tasks assigned/pending/rejected/approved on using a date filter.
- Download the files attached by the worker for his/her task.
- Able to login with email and password.
- Able to view the tasks posted by any manager. (paginated tasks).
- Submit the task either with text solution or images or docs.
- Able to search the task using status and date filter.
- Able to view/edit his profile details.
- Able to view the completed task history (paginated) and the total rewards.
- "/login"
{ "email":"", "password":"" }
- "/register"
{ "access":"manager/worker", "name":"", "email":"", "phone":"", "password":"", }
"/task" ( method = "GET") Render task model.
"/task" (method = "POST")
{ "name":"", "description":"", }
"/task/:task_id" (method = "GET") Render edit task model.
"/task/:task_id" (method = "PUT")
{ "name":"", "description":"", }
"/task/:task_id/assign" (method = "GET") Render assign task model.
"/task/:task_id/assign" (method = "POST")
{ "worker_id":"id of worker", "maximum_points":"", "deadline":"" }
"/task/:task_id/submit" (method = "GET") Render submit task model.
"/task/:task_id/submit" (method = "POST")
{ "text":"", "file":"" }
"/task/:task_id/review" (method = "GET") Render review task model.
"/task/:task_id/review" (method = "POST")
{ "status":"approved/rejected", "score":"" }
"/task/:id/all?status=&created_on=&submitted_on=" (method = "GET") Get all tasks for manager/worker with specified date and status. status = {"unassigned","pending","submitted","approved","rejected"}
- "/manager/dashboard" (method = "GET") Render dashboard view for manager.
- "/worker/dashboard" (method = "GET") Render dashboard view for worker.
- "/worker/profile/" (method = "GET") Render profile view.
- "/worker/profile" (method = "PUT")
{ "name":"", "email":"", "phone":"" }
- "/file/:file_name/view" (method = "GET") Download the filename with specified file_name.
- Clone Repository
- Install the modules using
npm install
. - Create a .env file inside the folder, the .env file should contain the following
- Run
nodemon app.js