Wellcome! 🚀
This is my study react-project "Organizer"
To get started, you need to log in to your account or register a new one (validation is present)
The main page consists of list of task(if you have tasks),log out and new task button. Click the new task button, the task card is open where you can pu title, deadline, description and tag of task.
Also if you click on the task, the task card is open where you can change information, complete task or delete.
User login or registration form
Create new task
Update current tasks
Complete or delete tasks
All information is taken from the server using the API. Using react liberies like redux,redux-thunk, router, hooks, form, axios etc.
# or
npm i
yarn dev
# or
npm run dev
yarn build
# or
npm run build
yarn build && yarn start
# or
npm run build && npm run start