[!INCLUDE cli v2]
The source JSON schema can be found at https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json.
[!INCLUDE schema note]
Key | Type | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
$schema |
string | The YAML schema. If you use the Azure Machine Learning VS Code extension to author the YAML file, including $schema at the top of your file enables you to invoke schema and resource completions. |
type |
const | The type of job. | command |
command |
name |
string | Name of the job. Must be unique across all jobs in the workspace. If omitted, Azure ML will autogenerate a GUID for the name. | ||
display_name |
string | Display name of the job in the studio UI. Can be non-unique within the workspace. If omitted, Azure ML will autogenerate a human-readable adjective-noun identifier for the display name. | ||
experiment_name |
string | Experiment name to organize the job under. Each job's run record will be organized under the corresponding experiment in the studio's "Experiments" tab. If omitted, Azure ML will default it to the name of the working directory where the job was created. | ||
description |
string | Description of the job. | ||
tags |
object | Dictionary of tags for the job. | ||
command |
string | Required (if not using component field). The command to execute. |
code |
string | Local path to the source code directory to be uploaded and used for the job. | ||
environment |
string or object | Required (if not using component field). The environment to use for the job. This can be either a reference to an existing versioned environment in the workspace or an inline environment specification. To reference an existing environment use the azureml:<environment_name>:<environment_version> syntax or azureml:<environment_name>@latest (to reference the latest version of an environment). To define an environment inline please follow the Environment schema. Exclude the name and version properties as they are not supported for inline environments. |
environment_variables |
object | Dictionary of environment variable key-value pairs to set on the process where the command is executed. | ||
distribution |
object | The distribution configuration for distributed training scenarios. One of MpiConfiguration, PyTorchConfiguration, or TensorFlowConfiguration. | ||
compute |
string | Name of the compute target to execute the job on. This can be either a reference to an existing compute in the workspace (using the azureml:<compute_name> syntax) or local to designate local execution. Note: jobs in pipeline didn't support local as compute |
local |
resources.instance_count |
integer | The number of nodes to use for the job. | 1 |
resources.instance_type |
string | The instance type to use for the job. Applicable for jobs running on Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes compute (where the compute target specified in the compute field is of type: kubernentes ). If omitted, this will default to the default instance type for the Kubernetes cluster. For more information, see Create and select Kubernetes instance types. |
limits.timeout |
integer | The maximum time in seconds the job is allowed to run. Once this limit is reached the system will cancel the job. | ||
inputs |
object | Dictionary of inputs to the job. The key is a name for the input within the context of the job and the value is the input value. Inputs can be referenced in the command using the ${{ inputs.<input_name> }} expression. |
inputs.<input_name> |
number, integer, boolean, string or object | One of a literal value (of type number, integer, boolean, or string) or an object containing a job input data specification. | ||
outputs |
object | Dictionary of output configurations of the job. The key is a name for the output within the context of the job and the value is the output configuration. Outputs can be referenced in the command using the ${{ outputs.<output_name> }} expression. |
outputs.<output_name> |
object | You can leave the object empty, in which case by default the output will be of type uri_folder and Azure ML will system-generate an output location for the output. File(s) to the output directory will be written via read-write mount. If you want to specify a different mode for the output, provide an object containing the job output specification. |
identity |
object | The identity is used for data accessing. It can be UserIdentityConfiguration, ManagedIdentityConfiguration or None. If it's UserIdentityConfiguration the identity of job submitter will be used to access input data and write result to output folder, otherwise, the managed identity of the compute target will be used. |
Key | Type | Description | Allowed values |
type |
const | Required. Distribution type. | mpi |
process_count_per_instance |
integer | Required. The number of processes per node to launch for the job. |
Key | Type | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
type |
const | Required. Distribution type. | pytorch |
process_count_per_instance |
integer | The number of processes per node to launch for the job. | 1 |
Key | Type | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
type |
const | Required. Distribution type. | tensorflow |
worker_count |
integer | The number of workers to launch for the job. | Defaults to resources.instance_count . |
parameter_server_count |
integer | The number of parameter servers to launch for the job. | 0 |
Key | Type | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
type |
string | The type of job input. Specify uri_file for input data that points to a single file source, or uri_folder for input data that points to a folder source. |
uri_file , uri_folder , mlflow_model , custom_model |
uri_folder |
path |
string | The path to the data to use as input. This can be specified in a few ways: - A local path to the data source file or folder, e.g. path: ./iris.csv . The data will get uploaded during job submission. - A URI of a cloud path to the file or folder to use as the input. Supported URI types are azureml , https , wasbs , abfss , adl . See Core yaml syntax for more information on how to use the azureml:// URI format. - An existing registered Azure ML data asset to use as the input. To reference a registered data asset use the azureml:<data_name>:<data_version> syntax or azureml:<data_name>@latest (to reference the latest version of that data asset), e.g. path: azureml:cifar10-data:1 or path: azureml:cifar10-data@latest . |
mode |
string | Mode of how the data should be delivered to the compute target. For read-only mount ( ro_mount ), the data will be consumed as a mount path. A folder will be mounted as a folder and a file will be mounted as a file. Azure ML will resolve the input to the mount path. For download mode the data will be downloaded to the compute target. Azure ML will resolve the input to the downloaded path. If you only want the URL of the storage location of the data artifact(s) rather than mounting or downloading the data itself, you can use the direct mode. This will pass in the URL of the storage location as the job input. Note that in this case you are fully responsible for handling credentials to access the storage. |
ro_mount , download , direct |
ro_mount |
Key | Type | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
type |
string | The type of job output. For the default uri_folder type, the output will correspond to a folder. |
uri_folder , mlflow_model , custom_model |
uri_folder |
mode |
string | Mode of how output file(s) will get delivered to the destination storage. For read-write mount mode (rw_mount ) the output directory will be a mounted directory. For upload mode the file(s) written will get uploaded at the end of the job. |
rw_mount , upload |
rw_mount |
Key | Type | Description | Allowed values |
type |
const | Required. Identity type. | user_identity |
Key | Type | Description | Allowed values |
type |
const | Required. Identity type. | managed or managed_identity |
The az ml job
command can be used for managing Azure Machine Learning jobs.
Examples are available in the examples GitHub repository. Several are shown below.
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
command: echo "hello world"
image: library/python:latest
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
command: echo "hello world"
image: library/python:latest
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
hello: world
display_name: hello-world-example
experiment_name: hello-world-example
description: |
# Azure Machine Learning "hello world" job
This is a "hello world" job running in the cloud via Azure Machine Learning!
## Description
Markdown is supported in the studio for job descriptions! You can edit the description there or via CLI.
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
command: echo $hello_env_var
image: library/python:latest
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
hello_env_var: "hello world"
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
command: ls
code: src
image: library/python:latest
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
command: |
echo ${{inputs.hello_string}}
echo ${{inputs.hello_number}}
image: library/python:latest
hello_string: "hello world"
hello_number: 42
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
command: echo "hello world" > ./outputs/helloworld.txt
image: library/python:latest
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
command: echo "hello world" > ${{outputs.hello_output}}/helloworld.txt
image: python
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
command: |
echo "--iris-csv: ${{inputs.iris_csv}}"
python hello-iris.py --iris-csv ${{inputs.iris_csv}}
code: src
type: uri_file
path: azureml://datastores/workspaceblobstore/paths/example-data/iris.csv
environment: azureml:AzureML-sklearn-1.0-ubuntu20.04-py38-cpu@latest
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
command: |
ls ${{inputs.data_dir}}
echo "--iris-csv: ${{inputs.data_dir}}/iris.csv"
python hello-iris.py --iris-csv ${{inputs.data_dir}}/iris.csv
code: src
type: uri_folder
path: azureml://datastores/workspaceblobstore/paths/example-data/
environment: azureml:AzureML-sklearn-1.0-ubuntu20.04-py38-cpu@latest
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
command: |
echo "--iris-csv: ${{inputs.iris_csv}}"
python hello-iris.py --iris-csv ${{inputs.iris_csv}}
code: src
type: uri_file
path: https://azuremlexamples.blob.core.windows.net/datasets/iris.csv
environment: azureml:AzureML-sklearn-1.0-ubuntu20.04-py38-cpu@latest
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
command: |
ls ${{inputs.data_dir}}
echo "--iris-csv: ${{inputs.data_dir}}/iris.csv"
python hello-iris.py --iris-csv ${{inputs.data_dir}}/iris.csv
code: src
type: uri_folder
path: wasbs://datasets@azuremlexamples.blob.core.windows.net/
environment: azureml:AzureML-sklearn-1.0-ubuntu20.04-py38-cpu@latest
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
command: |
pip install ipykernel papermill
papermill hello-notebook.ipynb outputs/out.ipynb -k python
code: src
image: library/python:latest
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
code: src
command: >-
python main.py
--iris-csv ${{inputs.iris_csv}}
--C ${{inputs.C}}
--kernel ${{inputs.kernel}}
--coef0 ${{inputs.coef0}}
type: uri_file
path: wasbs://datasets@azuremlexamples.blob.core.windows.net/iris.csv
C: 0.8
kernel: "rbf"
coef0: 0.1
environment: azureml:AzureML-sklearn-0.24-ubuntu18.04-py37-cpu@latest
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
display_name: sklearn-iris-example
experiment_name: sklearn-iris-example
description: Train a scikit-learn SVM on the Iris dataset.
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
command: >
Rscript train.R
--data_folder ${{inputs.iris}}
code: src
type: uri_file
path: https://azuremlexamples.blob.core.windows.net/datasets/iris.csv
path: docker-context
compute: azureml:cpu-cluster
display_name: r-iris-example
experiment_name: r-iris-example
description: Train an R model on the Iris dataset.
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
code: src
command: >-
python train.py
--epochs ${{inputs.epochs}}
--learning-rate ${{inputs.learning_rate}}
--data-dir ${{inputs.cifar}}
epochs: 1
learning_rate: 0.2
type: uri_folder
path: azureml:cifar-10-example@latest
environment: azureml:AzureML-pytorch-1.9-ubuntu18.04-py37-cuda11-gpu@latest
compute: azureml:gpu-cluster
type: pytorch
process_count_per_instance: 1
instance_count: 2
display_name: pytorch-cifar-distributed-example
experiment_name: pytorch-cifar-distributed-example
description: Train a basic convolutional neural network (CNN) with PyTorch on the CIFAR-10 dataset, distributed via PyTorch.
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
code: src
command: >-
python train.py
--epochs ${{inputs.epochs}}
--model-dir ${{inputs.model_dir}}
epochs: 1
model_dir: outputs/keras-model
environment: azureml:AzureML-tensorflow-2.4-ubuntu18.04-py37-cuda11-gpu@latest
compute: azureml:gpu-cluster
instance_count: 2
type: tensorflow
worker_count: 2
display_name: tensorflow-mnist-distributed-example
experiment_name: tensorflow-mnist-distributed-example
description: Train a basic neural network with TensorFlow on the MNIST dataset, distributed via TensorFlow.
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/commandJob.schema.json
code: src
command: >-
python train.py
--epochs ${{inputs.epochs}}
epochs: 1
environment: azureml:AzureML-tensorflow-2.7-ubuntu20.04-py38-cuda11-gpu@latest
compute: azureml:gpu-cluster
instance_count: 2
type: mpi
process_count_per_instance: 1
display_name: tensorflow-mnist-distributed-horovod-example
experiment_name: tensorflow-mnist-distributed-horovod-example
description: Train a basic neural network with TensorFlow on the MNIST dataset, distributed via Horovod.