[!INCLUDE cli v2]
The source JSON schema can be found at https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/environment.schema.json.
[!INCLUDE schema note]
Key | Type | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
$schema |
string | The YAML schema. If you use the Azure Machine Learning VS Code extension to author the YAML file, including $schema at the top of your file enables you to invoke schema and resource completions. |
name |
string | Required. Name of the environment. | ||
version |
string | Version of the environment. If omitted, Azure ML will autogenerate a version. | ||
description |
string | Description of the environment. | ||
tags |
object | Dictionary of tags for the environment. | ||
image |
string | The Docker image to use for the environment. One of image or build is required. |
conda_file |
string or object | The standard conda YAML configuration file of the dependencies for a conda environment. See https://conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/tasks/manage-environments.html#creating-an-environment-file-manually. If specified, image must be specified as well. Azure ML will build the conda environment on top of the Docker image provided. |
build |
object | The Docker build context configuration to use for the environment. One of image or build is required. |
build.path |
string | Local path to the directory to use as the build context. | ||
build.dockerfile_path |
string | Relative path to the Dockerfile within the build context. | Dockerfile |
os_type |
string | The type of operating system. | linux , windows |
linux |
inference_config |
object | Inference container configurations. Only applicable if the environment is used to build a serving container for online deployments. See Attributes of the inference_config key. |
Key | Type | Description |
liveness_route |
object | The liveness route for the serving container. |
liveness_route.path |
string | The path to route liveness requests to. |
liveness_route.port |
integer | The port to route liveness requests to. |
readiness_route |
object | The readiness route for the serving container. |
readiness_route.path |
string | The path to route readiness requests to. |
readiness_route.port |
integer | The port to route readiness requests to. |
scoring_route |
object | The scoring route for the serving container. |
scoring_route.path |
string | The path to route scoring requests to. |
scoring_route.port |
integer | The port to route scoring requests to. |
The az ml environment
command can be used for managing Azure Machine Learning environments.
Examples are available in the examples GitHub repository. Several are shown below.
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/environment.schema.json
name: docker-context-example
path: docker-contexts/python-and-pip
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/environment.schema.json
name: docker-image-example
image: pytorch/pytorch:latest
description: Environment created from a Docker image.
$schema: https://azuremlschemas.azureedge.net/latest/environment.schema.json
name: docker-image-plus-conda-example
image: mcr.microsoft.com/azureml/openmpi4.1.0-ubuntu20.04
conda_file: conda-yamls/pydata.yml
description: Environment created from a Docker image plus Conda environment.