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Working with tables in Azure Machine Learning

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[!INCLUDE sdk v2] [!INCLUDE cli v2]

Azure ML supports a Table type (mltable) that allows for a blueprint that defines how you would like data files to materialize into a Pandas or Spark data frame (rows and columns). Azure ML Tables have these two key features:

  1. An MLTable file. A YAML-based file that defines the materialization blueprint. In the MLTable, you can specify:
    • The storage location(s) of the data - local, in the cloud, or on a public http(s) server. Azure ML supports Globbing patterns. These locations can specify sets of filenames, with wildcard characters (*, ?, [abc], [a-z]).
    • read transformation - for example, the file format type (delimited text, Parquet, Delta, json), delimiters, headers, etc.
    • Column type conversions (enforce schema).
    • New column creation, using folder structure information - for example, creation of a year and month column, using the {year}/{month} folder structure in the path.
    • Subsets of data to materialize - for example, filter rows, keep/drop columns, take random samples.
  2. A fast and efficient engine to materialize the data into a Pandas or Spark dataframe, according to the blueprint defined in the MLTable file. The engine relies on Rust. The Rust language is known for high speed and high memory efficiency.

In this article you'll learn:

[!div class="checklist"]

  • When to use Tables instead of Files or Folders.
  • How to install the MLTable SDK.
  • How to define the materialization blueprint using an MLTable file.
  • Examples that show use of Tables in Azure ML.
  • How to use Tables during interactive development (for example, in a notebook).


When to use tables instead of files or folders

Tabular data doesn't require Azure ML Tables (mltable). You can use Azure ML File (uri_file) and Folder (uri_folder) types, and provide your own parsing logic, to materialize the data into a Pandas or Spark data frame. In cases where you have a simple CSV file or Parquet folder, you'll find it easier to use Azure ML Files/Folders rather than Tables.

An example of when not to use Azure ML tables

Let's assume you have a single CSV file on a public http server, and you'd like to read into Pandas. Two lines of Python code can read the data:

import pandas as pd


With Azure ML Tables, you would need to first define the MLTable file:

# /data/iris/MLTable

type: mltable
    - file:

    - read_delimited:
        delimiter: ','
        header: all_files_same_headers

Before reading into Pandas:

import mltable

# load the folder containing MLTable file
tbl =  mltable.load("/data/iris")

For a simple CSV file, definition of the MLTable creates unnecessary extra work. Instead, you'll find Azure ML Tables (mltable) much more useful to deal with these scenarios:

  • The schema of your data is complex and/or that schema frequently changes.
  • You only need a subset of data (for example: a sample of rows or files, specific columns, etc.).
  • AutoML jobs that require tabular data.

A motivating example for using Azure ML tables

We explained when to avoid Azure ML Tables. Here, we'll see a motivating example of when Azure ML Tables can help your workflow. Imagine a scenario where you have many text files in a folder:

├── my_data
│   ├── file1.txt
│   ├── file1_use_this.txt
│   ├── file2.txt
│   ├── file2_use_this.txt
│   ├── file1000.txt
│   ├── file1000_use_this.txt

Each text file has this structure:

store_location date zip_code amount x y z staticvar1 stasticvar2 
Seattle 20/04/2022 12324 123.4 true no 0 2 4 
London 20/04/2022 XX358YY 156 true yes 1 2 4

The data has these important characteristics:

  • Only files with this suffix _use_this.txt have the relevant data. We can ignore other file names that don't have that suffix.
  • Date data will have this format DD/MM/YYYY. It will not have a string format.
  • The x, y, z columns are booleans, not strings. Values in the data can be either yes/no, 1/0, true/false.
  • The store location is an index that is useful for generation of data subsets.
  • The file is encoded in ascii format.
  • Every file in the folder contains the same header.
  • The first million records for zip_code are numeric, but later on, they'll become alphanumeric.
  • Some static variables in the data aren't useful for machine learning.

You can materialize the above text files into a data frame using Pandas and an Azure ML Folder (uri_folder):

import glob
import datetime
import os
import argparse
import pandas as pd

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--input_folder", type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()

path = os.path.join(args.input_folder, "*_use_this.txt")
files = glob.glob(path)

# create empty list
dfl = []

# dict of column types
col_types = {
    "zip": str,
    "x": bool,
    "y": bool,
    "z": bool

# enumerate files into a list of dfs
for f in files:
    csv = pd.read_table(
        delimiter=" ",
        usecols=["store_location", "zip_code", "date", "amount", "x", "y", "z"],
        true_values=['yes', '1', 'true'],
        false_values=['no', '0', 'false']

# concatenate the list of dataframes
df = pd.concat(dfl)
# set the index column

However, problems can occur when

  • The schema changes (for example, a column name changes): All consumers of the data must independently update their Python code. Other examples can involve type changes, added / removed columns, encoding change, etc.
  • The data size increases - If the data becomes too large for Pandas to process, all the consumers of the data will need to switch to a more scalable library (PySpark/Dask).

Azure ML Tables allow the data asset creator to define the materialization blueprint in a single file. Then, consumers can then easily materialize the data into a data frame. The consumers can avoid the need to write their own Python parsing logic. The creator of the data asset defines an MLTable file:


type: mltable

# paths are relative to the location of the MLTable file
    - pattern: ./*_use_this.txt

        - "store_location"

    - read_delimited:
        encoding: ascii
        header: all_files_same_headers
        delimiter: " "
    - keep_columns: ["store_location", "zip_code", "date", "amount", "x", "y", "z"]
    - convert_column_types:
        - columns: date
                    - "%d/%m/%Y"
        - columns: ["x","y","z"] 
                mismatch_as: error
                    - "yes"
                    - "true"
                    - "1"
                    - "no"
                    - "false"
                    - "0"

The consumers can materialize the data into data frame with three lines of Python code:

import mltable

tbl = mltable.load("./my_data")
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()

In this scenario, Azure ML Tables, instead of Files or Folders, offers these key benefits:

  • Consumers don't need to create their own Python parsing logic to materialize the data into Pandas or Spark.
  • One location (the MLTable file) can handle schema changes, to avoid required code changes in multiple locations.

What is the difference between V2 and V1 APIs?

Type V2 API V1 API Canonical Scenarios V2/V1 API Difference
Reference a single file
uri_file FileDataset Read/write a single file - the file can have any format. A type new to V2 APIs. In V1 APIs, files always mapped to a folder on the compute target filesystem; this mapping required an os.path.join. In V2 APIs, the single file is mapped. This way, you can refer to that location in your code.
Reference a single folder
uri_folder FileDataset You must read/write a folder of parquet/CSV files into Pandas/Spark.

Deep-learning with images, text, audio, video files located in a folder.
In V1 APIs, FileDataset had an associated engine that could take a file sample from a folder. In V2 APIs, a Folder is a simple mapping to the compute target filesystem.
Reference a data table
mltable TabularDataset You have a complex schema subject to frequent changes, or you need a subset of large tabular data.

AutoML with Tables.
In V1 APIs, the Azure ML back-end stored the data materialization blueprint. This storage location meant that TabularDataset only worked if you had an Azure ML workspace. mltable stores the data materialization blueprint in your storage. This storage location means you can use it disconnected to Azure ML - for example, local, on-premises. In V2 APIs, you'll find it easier to transition from local to remote jobs.

Installing the mltable library

MLTable is pre-installed on Compute Instance, AzureML Spark, and DSVM. You can install mltable Python library with this code:

pip install mltable


  • MLTable is a separate library from azure-ai-ml.
  • If you use a Compute Instance/Spark/DSVM, we recommend that you keep the package up-to-date with pip install -U mltable
  • MLTable can be used totally ‘disconnected’ to Azure ML (and the cloud). You can use MLTable anywhere you can get a Python session – for example: locally, Cloud VM, Databricks, Synapse, On-prem server, etc.

The MLTable file

The MLTable file is a YAML-based file that defines the materialization blueprint. In the MLTable file, you can specify:

  • The data storage location(s), which can be local, in the cloud, or on a public http(s) server. Globbing patterns are also supported. This way, wildcard characters (*, ?, [abc], [a-z]) can specify sets of filenames.
  • read transformation - for example, the file format type (delimited text, Parquet, Delta, json), delimiters, headers, etc.
  • Column type conversions (enforce schema).
  • New columns, using folder structure information - for example, create a year and month column using the {year}/{month} folder structure in the path.
  • Subsets of data to materialize - for example, filter rows, keep/drop columns, take random samples.

File Naming

While the MLTable file contains YAML, it needs the exact MLTable name (no filename extensions).


Filename extensions of yaml or yml, as seen in MLTable.yaml or MLTable.yml, will cause an MLTable file not found error when loading. The MLTable file needs the exact MLTable name.

Authoring MLTable files

You can author MLTable files with the Python SDK. You can also directly author the MLTable file in an IDE (like VSCode). This example shows an MLTable file authored with the SDK:

import mltable
from mltable import DataType

data_files = {
    'pattern': './*parquet'

tbl = mltable.from_parquet_files(path=[data_files])
# add additional transformations
# tbl = tbl.keep_columns()
# tbl = tbl.filter()

# save to local directory"<local_path>")

To directly author MLTable files, we recommend VSCode, because VSCode can handle auto-complete. Additionally, VSCode handles Azure Cloud Storage increases to your workspace, for seamless MLTable file edits on cloud storage.

To enable autocomplete and intellisense for MLTable files in VSCode, you'll need to associate the MLTable file with yaml.

In VSCode, select File>Preferences>Settings. In the search bar of the Settings tab, type associations:

:::image type="content" source="media/how-to-mltable/vscode-mltable.png" alt-text="file association in VSCode":::

Under File: Associations select Add item and then enter the following:

  • Item: MLTable
  • Value: yaml

You can then author MLTable files with autocomplete and intellisense, if you include the following schema at the top of your MLTable file.



The Azure ML VSCode extension will show the available schemas and autocomplete when you type $schema:: :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-mltable/vscode-storage-ext-0.png" alt-text="Autocomplete":::

Where to store the MLTable file

We recommend co-location of the MLTable file with the underlying data, for example:

├── my_data
│   ├── MLTable
│   ├── file_1.txt
│   ├── file_n.txt

Co-location of the MLTable file with the data ensures a self-contained artifact that stores all needed resources in that one folder, regardless of whether that folder is stored on your local drive, in your cloud store, or on a public http server.

Since the MLTable will co-locate with the data, the paths defined in the MLTable file should be relative to the location of the MLTable file. For example, in the above scenario, where the MLTable file is in the same folder as the txt data, define the paths as:

type: mltable

# paths must be relative to the location of the MLTable file
  - pattern: ./*.txt

  - read_delimited:
      delimiter: ','
      header: all_files_same_headers

How to co-locate MLTable files with data in cloud storage

Typically, you'll author your MLTable file either locally in an IDE (such as VSCode), or with a cloud-based VM such as an Azure ML Compute Instance. To create a self-contained MLTable artifact, you must store the MLTable file with the data. If you place your MLTable artifact (data and MLTable file) in your local storage, Create Data asset will become the easiest way to upload that artifact to cloud storage because your artifact will automatically upload.

If you already placed your data in cloud storage, you have some options to co-locate your MLTable file with the data.

Option 1: Directly author MLTable in cloud storage with VSCode

VSCode has an Azure Storage VSCode extension that can directly create and author files on Cloud storage. These steps show how to do it:

  1. Install the Azure Storage VSCode extension.
  2. In the left-hand Activity Bar, select Azure, and find your subscription storage accounts (you can filter the UI by subscriptions): :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-mltable/vscode-storage-ext-1.png" alt-text="Screenshot of storage resources.":::
  3. Next, navigate to the container (filesystem) that has your data, and select the Open in Explorer button: :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-mltable/vscode-storage-ext-2.png" alt-text="Screenshot highlighting the container to open in explorer.":::
  4. Next, select Add to Workspace: :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-mltable/vscode-storage-ext-3.png" alt-text="Screenshot highlighting Add to Workspace.":::
  5. In the Explorer, you can see your data in cloud storage, and it will appear alongside your code files:
  6. To author an MLTable in cloud storage directly, navigate to the folder that contains the data, and then right-select New File. Name the file MLTable and proceed. :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-mltable/vscode-storage-ext-4.png" alt-text="Screenshot highlighting the data folder that will store the MLTable file.":::
Option 2: Upload MLTable file to cloud storage

The azcopy utility - pre-installed on Azure ML Compute Instance and DSVM - allows you to upload/download files from Azure Storage to your compute instance:

azcopy login

SOURCE=<path-to-mltable-file> # for example: ./MLTable
azcopy cp $SOURCE $DEST

If you author files locally (or in a DSVM), you can use azcopy or the Azure Storage Explorer, which allows you to manage files in Azure Storage with a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Once you download and install Azure Storage Explorer, select the storage account and container where you want to upload the MLTable file to. Next:

  1. On the main pane's toolbar, select Upload, and then select Upload Files. :::image type="content" source="../media/vs-azure-tools-storage-explorer-blobs/blob-upload-files-menu.png" alt-text="Screenshot highlighting upload files.":::
  2. In the Select files to upload dialog box, select the MLTable file you want to upload.
  3. Select Open to begin the upload.

Supported transformations

Read transformations
Read Transformation Parameters
read_delimited infer_column_types: Boolean to infer column data types. Defaults to True. Type inference requires that the current compute can access the data source. Currently, type inference will only pull the first 200 rows.

encoding: Specify the file encoding. Supported encodings: utf8, iso88591, latin1, ascii, utf16, utf32, utf8bom and windows1252. Default encoding: utf8.

header: user can choose one of the following options: no_header, from_first_file, all_files_different_headers, all_files_same_headers. Defaults to all_files_same_headers.

delimiter: The separator used to split columns.

empty_as_string: Specify if empty field values should load as empty strings. The default (False) will read empty field values as nulls. Passing this setting as True will read empty field values as empty strings. If the values are converted to numeric or datetime, then this setting has no effect, as empty values will be converted to nulls.

include_path_column: Boolean to keep path information as column in the table. Defaults to False. This setting is useful when reading multiple files, and you want to know from which file a specific record originated. Additionally, you can keep useful information in the file path.

support_multi_line: By default (support_multi_line=False), all line breaks, including line breaks in quoted field values, will be interpreted as a record break. This approach to data reading increases speed, and it offers optimization for parallel execution on multiple CPU cores. However, it may result in silent production of more records with misaligned field values. Set this value to True when the delimited files are known to contain quoted line breaks.
read_parquet include_path_column: Boolean to keep path information as a table column. Defaults to False. This setting helps when you read multiple files, and you want to know from which file a specific record originated. Additionally, you can keep useful information in the file path.
read_delta_lake timestamp_as_of: Timestamp to be specified for time-travel on the specific Delta Lake data.

version_as_of: Version to be specified for time-travel on the specific Delta Lake data.
read_json_lines include_path_column: Boolean to keep path information as an MLTable column. Defaults to False. When you read multiple files, this setting helps identify the source file of a specific record. Also, you can keep useful information in the file path.

invalid_lines: How to handle lines that have invalid JSON. Supported values: error and drop. Defaults to error.

encoding: Specify the file encoding. Supported encodings: utf8, iso88591, latin1, ascii, utf16, utf32, utf8bom and windows1252. Default is utf8.
Other transformations
Transformation Description Example(s)
convert_column_types Adds a transformation step to convert the specified columns into their respective specified new types. Takes parameters columns (column names you would like to convert) and column_type (the type to which you want to convert). - convert_column_types:
   - columns: [Age]
     column_type: int

Convert the Age column to integer.

- convert_column_types:
   - columns: date
            - "%d/%m/%Y"

Convert the date column to the format dd/mm/yyyy. Read to_datetime for more information about datetime conversion.

- convert_column_types:
   - columns: [is_weekday]
            true_values:['yes', 'true', '1']
            false_values:['no', 'false', '0']

Convert the is_weekday column to a boolean; yes/true/1 values in the column will map to True, and no/false/0 values in the column will map to False. Read to_bool for more information about boolean conversion.
drop_columns Adds a transformation step to remove desired columns from the dataset. - drop_columns: ["col1", "col2"]
keep_columns Adds a transformation step to keep the specified columns, and remove all others from the dataset. - keep_columns: ["col1", "col2"]
extract_columns_from_partition_format Adds a transformation step to use the partition information of each path, and extract the information into columns based on the specified partition format. - extract_columns_from_partition_format: {column_name:yyyy/MM/dd/HH/mm/ss} creates a datetime column, where 'yyyy', 'MM', 'dd', 'HH', 'mm' and 'ss' will extract year, month, day, hour, minute and second for the datetime type
filter Filter the data, leaving only the records that match the specified expression. - filter: 'col("temperature") > 32 and col("location") == "UK"'
Only leave rows where the temperature exceeds 32 and the UK is the location.
skip Adds a transformation step to skip the first count rows of this MLTable. - skip: 10
Skip first 10 rows
take Adds a transformation step to select the first count rows of this MLTable. - take: 5
Take only the first five rows.
take_random_sample Adds a transformation step to randomly select each row of this MLTable with a probability chance. The probability must be in the range [0, 1]. May optionally set a random seed. - take_random_sample:
   probability: 0.10

Take a 10 percent random sample of rows using a random seed of 123.

Create a Data asset

An Azure ML data asset resembles web browser bookmarks (favorites). Instead of remembering long storage paths (URIs) that point to your most frequently used data, you can create a data asset, and then access that asset with a friendly name.

You can create a Table data asset using:

az ml data create --name <name_of_asset> --version 1 --path <folder_with_MLTable> --type mltable


The path points to the folder that contains the MLTable file. The path can be local or remote (a cloud storage URI). If the path is a local folder, then the folder will automatically be uploaded to the default Azure ML datastore in the cloud.

Only the data in the same folder as the MLTable file will upload when you create data assets from a local folder. That upload will go to the default Azure ML datastore located in the cloud. Then, the asset is created. If any relative path in the MLTable path section exists, and the data isn't in the same folder, the data won't upload, and the relative path won't work.

You can create a data asset in Azure Machine Learning with this Python Code:

from import Data
from import AssetTypes

# my_path must point to folder containing MLTable artifact (MLTable file + data
# Supported paths include:
# local: './<path>'
# blob:  'wasbs://<container_name>@<account_name><path>'
# ADLS gen2: 'abfss://<file_system>@<account_name><path>'
# Datastore: 'azureml://datastores/<data_store_name>/paths/<path>'

my_path = '<path>'

my_data = Data(


The path points to the folder containing the MLTable artifact.

An end-to-end example

In this example, you'll author an MLTable file locally, create an asset, and then use the data asset in an Azure ML job.

Step 1: Download the data for the example

To complete this end-to-end example, first download a sample of the Green Taxi data from Azure Open Datasets into a local data folder:

mkdir data
cd data

Step 2: Create the MLTable file

Create an MLTable file in the data folder:

cd data
touch MLTable

Save the following contents to the MLTable file:


    - pattern: ./*.parquet

    - read_parquet
    - take_random_sample:
          probability: 0.5
          seed: 154
import mltable
import os

# change the working directory to the data directory

# define the path to the parquet files using a glob pattern
path = {
    'pattern': './*.parquet'

# load from parquet files
tbl = mltable.from_parquet_files(paths=[path])

# create a new table with a random sample of 50% of the rows
new_tbl = tbl.take_random_sample(0.5, 154)

# show the first few records

# save MLTable file in the data directory".")

Next, create a Data asset:

Execute the following command

cd .. # come up one level from the data directory
az ml data create --name green-sample --version 1 --type mltable --path ./data
from import Data
from import AssetTypes

my_path = './data'

my_data = Data(


Your local data folder - containing the parquet file and MLTable - will automatically upload to cloud storage (default Azure ML datastore) on asset create.

Step 4: Create a job

Create a Python script called in an src folder that contains:

# ./src/
import argparse
import mltable

# parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--input', help='mltable artifact to read')
args = parser.parse_args()

# load mltable
tbl = mltable.load(args.input)

# show table

To keep things simple, we only show how to read the table into Pandas, and print the first few records.

Your job will need a Conda file that includes the Python package dependencies. Save that Conda file as conda_dependencies.yml:

# ./conda_dependencies.yml
  - python=3.10
  - pip=21.2.4
  - pip:
      - mltable
      - azureml-dataprep[pandas]

Next, submit the job:

Create the following job YAML file:

# mltable-job.yml

code: ./src

command: python --input ${{inputs.my_mltable}}
      type: mltable
      path: azureml:green-sample:1

compute: cpu-cluster

  conda_file: conda_dependencies.yml

In the CLI, create the job:

az ml job create -f mltable-job.yml
from import MLClient, command, Input
from import Environment
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

# Create a client
ml_client = MLClient.from_config(credential=DefaultAzureCredential())

# get the data asset
data_asset ="green-sample", version="1")

job = command(
    command="python --input ${{inputs.my_mltable}}",
        "my_mltable": Input(type="mltable",

MLTable file examples

Delimited Text (a CSV file)

This example assumes you have a CSV file stored in the following Azure Data Lake location:

  • abfss://<filesystem>@<account_name><folder>/<file-name>.csv


You must update the <> placeholders for your Azure Data Lake filesystem and account name, along with the path on Azure Data lake to your CSV file.

Create an MLTable file in the abfss://<filesystem>@<account_name><folder>/ location:


type: mltable

  - file: ./<file-name>.csv

  - read_delimited:
      delimiter: ',' 
      empty_as_string: false 
      encoding: utf8 
      header: all_files_same_headers
      include_path_column: false 
      infer_column_types: true 
      support_multi_line: false

If you don't already use Option 1: Directly author MLTable in cloud storage with VSCode, then you can upload your MLTable file with azcopy:

azcopy cp $SOURCE $DEST
import mltable
from mltable import MLTableHeaders, MLTableFileEncoding
from import BlobClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

# update the file name
my_path = {
    'file': './<file_name>.csv'

tbl = mltable.from_delimited_files(

# save the table to the local file system
local_folder = "local"

# upload the MLTable file to your storage account so that you have an artifact
storage_account_url = "https://<account_name>"
container_name = "<filesystem>"
data_folder_on_storage = '<folder>'

# get a blob client using default credential
blob_client = BlobClient(

# upload to cloud storage
with open(f'{local_folder}/MLTable', "rb") as mltable_file:

Consumers of the data can load the MLTable artifact into Pandas or Spark with:

import mltable

# the URI points to the folder containing the MLTable file.
uri = "abfss://<filesystem>@<account_name><folder>"
tbl = mltable.load(uri)
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()

[!INCLUDE preview disclaimer]

You must ensure that the mltable package is installed on the Spark cluster. For more information, read:

# the URI points to the folder containing the MLTable file.
uri = "abfss://<filesystem>@<account_name><folder>"

df =


This example assumes that you have a folder of parquet files stored in the following Azure Data Lake location:

  • abfss://<filesystem>@<account_name><folder>/

You'd like to take a 20% random sample of rows from all the parquet files in the folder.

Create an MLTable file in the abfss://<filesystem>@<account_name><folder>/ location:


type: mltable

  - pattern: ./*.parquet

  - read_parquet:
        include_path_column: false 
  - take_random_sample:
        probability: 0.20
        seed: 132

If you don't already use Option 1: Directly author MLTable in cloud storage with VSCode, then you can upload your MLTable file with azcopy:

azcopy cp $SOURCE $DEST
import mltable
from mltable import MLTableHeaders, MLTableFileEncoding
from import BlobClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

# update the file name
my_path = {
    'pattern': './*.parquet'

tbl = mltable.from_parquet_files(paths=[my_path])
tbl = tbl.take_random_sample(probability=0.20, seed=132)

# save the table to the local file system
local_folder = "local"

# upload the MLTable file to your storage account
storage_account_url = "https://<account_name>"
container_name = "<filesystem>"
data_folder_on_storage = '<folder>'

# get a blob client using default credential
blob_client = BlobClient(

# upload to cloud storage
with open(f'{local_folder}/MLTable', "rb") as mltable_file:

Consumers of the data can load the MLTable artifact into Pandas or Spark with:

import mltable

# the URI points to the folder containing the MLTable file.
uri = "abfss://<filesystem>@<account_name><folder>"
tbl = mltable.load(uri)
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()

[!INCLUDE preview disclaimer]

You'll need to ensure the mltable package is installed on the Spark cluster. For more information, read:

# the URI points to the folder containing the MLTable file.
uri = "abfss://<filesystem>@<account_name><folder>"

df =

Delta Lake

This example assumes that you have a data in an Azure Data Lake Delta format:

  • abfss://<filesystem>@<account_name><folder>/

This folder will have the following structure

├── 📁 <folder>
│   ├── 📁 _change_data
│   ├── 📁 _delta_index
│   ├── 📁 _delta_log
│   ├── 📄 part-0000-XXX.parquet
│   ├── 📄 part-0001-XXX.parquet

Also, you'd like to read the data as of a specific timestamp: 2022-08-26T00:00:00Z.

Create an MLTable file in the abfss://<filesystem>@<account_name><folder>/ location:


type: mltable

- folder: ./

 - read_delta_lake:
      timestamp_as_of: '2022-08-26T00:00:00Z'      

If you don't use Option 1: Directly author MLTable in cloud storage with VSCode, then you can upload your MLTable file with azcopy:

azcopy cp $SOURCE $DEST
import mltable
from mltable import MLTableHeaders, MLTableFileEncoding
from import BlobClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

# update the file name
my_path = {
    'folder': './'

tbl = mltable.from_delta_lake(

# save the table to the local file system
local_folder = "local"

# upload the MLTable file to your storage account
storage_account_url = "https://<account_name>"
container_name = "<filesystem>"
data_folder_on_storage = '<folder>'

# get a blob client using default credential
blob_client = BlobClient(

# upload to cloud storage
with open(f'{local_folder}/MLTable', "rb") as mltable_file:

Consumers of the data can load the MLTable artifact into Pandas or Spark with:

import mltable

# the URI points to the folder containing the MLTable file.
uri = "abfss://<filesystem>@<account_name><folder>"
tbl = mltable.load(uri)
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()

[!INCLUDE preview disclaimer]

You must ensure that the mltable package is installed on the Spark cluster. For more information, read:

# the URI points to the folder containing the MLTable file.
uri = "abfss://<filesystem>@<account_name><folder>"

df =

Interactive development with the mltable Python SDK

To access your data during interactive development (for example, in a notebook) without creating an MLTable artifact, use the mltable Python SDK. This code sample shows the general format to read data into Pandas, using the mltable Python SDK:

import mltable

# define a path or folder or pattern
path = {
    'file': '<supported_path>'
    # alternatives
    # 'folder': '<supported_path>'
    # 'pattern': '<supported_path>'

# create an mltable from paths
tbl = mltable.from_delimited_files(paths=[path])
# alternatives
# tbl = mltable.from_parquet_files(paths=[path])
# tbl = mltable.from_json_lines_files(paths=[path])
# tbl = mltable.from_delta_lake(paths=[path])

# materialize to pandas
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()

Supported paths

The mltable library supports tabular data reads from different path types:

Location Examples
A path on your local computer ./home/username/data/my_data
A path on a public http(s) server
A path on Azure Storage wasbs://<container_name>@<account_name><path>
A long-form Azure ML datastore azureml://subscriptions/<subid>/resourcegroups/<rgname>/workspaces/<wsname>/datastores/<name>/paths/<path>


mltable handles user credential passthrough for paths on Azure Storage and Azure ML datastores. If you do not have permission to the data on the underlying storage, you can't access the data.

Files, folders and globs

mltable supports reading from:

  • file(s), for example: abfss://<file_system>@<account_name>
  • folder(s), for example abfss://<file_system>@<account_name>
  • glob pattern(s), for example abfss://<file_system>@<account_name>*.csv
  • Or, a combination of files, folders, globbing patterns

The mltable flexibility allows for data materialization into a single dataframe, from a combination of local/cloud storage and combinations of files/folder/globs. For example:

path1 = {
    'file': 'abfss://'

path2 = {
    'folder': './home/username/data/my_data'

path3 = {
    'pattern': 'abfss://*.csv'

tbl = mltable.from_delimited_files(paths=[path1, path2, path3])

Supported file formats

mltable supports the following file formats:

  • Delimited Text (for example: CSV files): mltable.from_delimited_files(paths=[path])
  • Parquet: mltable.from_parquet_files(paths=[path])
  • Delta: mltable.from_delta_lake(paths=[path])
  • JSON lines format: mltable.from_json_lines_files(paths=[path])


Read a CSV file

Update the placeholders (<>) in the code snippet with your specific information.

import mltable

path = {
    'file': 'abfss://<filesystem>@<account><folder>/<file_name>.csv'

tbl = mltable.from_delimited_files(paths=[path])
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()

Update the placeholders (<>) in the code snippet with your specific information.

import mltable

path = {
    'file': 'wasbs://<container>@<account><folder>/<file_name>.csv'

tbl = mltable.from_delimited_files(paths=[path])
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()

Update the placeholders (<>) in the code snippet with your specific information.

import mltable

path = {
    'file': 'azureml://subscriptions/<subid>/resourcegroups/<rgname>/workspaces/<wsname>/datastores/<name>/paths/<folder>/<file>.csv'

tbl = mltable.from_delimited_files(paths=[path])
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()


To avoid the need to remember the datastore URI format, copy-and-paste the datastore URI from the Studio UI with these steps:

  1. Select Data from the left-hand menu, followed by the Datastores tab.
  2. Select your datastore name, and then Browse.
  3. Find the file/folder you want to read into Pandas, and select the ellipsis (...) next to it. Select from the menu Copy URI. Select the Datastore URI to copy into your notebook/script. :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-access-data-ci/datastore_uri_copy.png" alt-text="Screenshot highlighting the copy of the datastore URI.":::
import mltable

path = {
    'file': ''

tbl = mltable.from_delimited_files(paths=[path])
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()

Read parquet files in a folder

This example code shows how mltable can use glob patterns - such as wildcards - to ensure that only the parquet files are read.

Update the placeholders (<>) in the code snippet with your specific information.

import mltable

path = {
    'pattern': 'abfss://<filesystem>@<account><folder>/*.parquet'

tbl = mltable.from_parquet_files(paths=[path])
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()

Update the placeholders (<>) in the code snippet with your specific information.

import mltable

path = {
    'pattern': 'wasbs://<container>@<account><folder>/*.parquet'

tbl = mltable.from_delimited_files(paths=[path])
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()

Update the placeholders (<>) in the code snippet with your specific information.

import mltable

path = {
    'pattern': 'azureml://subscriptions/<subid>/resourcegroups/<rgname>/workspaces/<wsname>/datastores/<name>/paths/<folder>/*.parquet'

tbl = mltable.from_parquet_files(paths=[path])
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()


To avoid the need to remember the datastore URI format, copy-and-paste the datastore URI from the Studio UI with these steps:

  1. Select Data from the left-hand menu, then the Datastores tab.
  2. Select your datastore name, and then Browse.
  3. Find the file/folder you want to read into Pandas, and select the ellipsis (...) next to it. Select from the Copy URI menu. You can select the Datastore URI to copy into your notebook/script. :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-access-data-ci/datastore_uri_copy.png" alt-text="Screenshot highlighting the copy of the datastore URI.":::

Update the placeholders (<>) in the code snippet with your specific information.


Access at the folder level is required to glob the pattern on a public HTTP server.

import mltable

path = {
    'pattern': '<https_address>/<folder>/*.parquet'

tbl = mltable.from_parquet_files(paths=[path])
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()

Reading data assets

In this section, you'll learn how to access your Azure ML data assets into Pandas.

Table asset

Earlier, if you created a Table asset in Azure ML (an mltable, or a V1 TabularDataset), you can load that asset into Pandas with:

import mltable
from import MLClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

ml_client = MLClient.from_config(credential=DefaultAzureCredential())
data_asset ="<name_of_asset>", version="<version>")

tbl = mltable.load(f'azureml:/{}')
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()

File asset

If you registered a File asset that you want to read into Pandas data frame - for example, a CSV file - use this code:

import mltable
from import MLClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

ml_client = MLClient.from_config(credential=DefaultAzureCredential())
data_asset ="<name_of_asset>", version="<version>")

path = {
    'file': data_asset.path

tbl = mltable.from_delimited_files(paths=[path])
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()

Folder asset

If you registered a Folder asset (uri_folder or a V1 FileDataset) that you want to read into Pandas data frame - for example, a folder containing CSV file - use this code:

import mltable
from import MLClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

ml_client = MLClient.from_config(credential=DefaultAzureCredential())
data_asset ="<name_of_asset>", version="<version>")

path = {
    'folder': data_asset.path

tbl = mltable.from_delimited_files(paths=[path])
df = tbl.to_pandas_dataframe()

Next steps