Search article in Wikipedia abstract simple model
Computer or server with Linux Ubuntu based system (or another, but those steps could be different). Remember that the machine must meet the requirements to run the ElasticSearch server. I worked on the old Lenovo ThinkPad T410, 8GB of RAM, 2 core processor, SSD.
- Install java using this tutorial: . Remember that to be able to download jdk, you must create an account on Oracle. so it's best to download jdk on your machine and upload to the server using for example WicSCP.
- Install elastic using this tutorial:
- Install dotnet core using this tutorial:
- Install python using this tutorial:
- Configure elastic. Type
sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
Then modify those settings: master1 #sets the node name, enter a friendly one /var/lib/elasticsearch #data path
path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch #log path, it can be useful in case of errors ["_site_", ""] #at which addresses it returns data, here: all interfaces + localhost
discovery.seed_hosts: #what addresses is it looking for nodes here: only locally
- Launch Elasticsearch
sudo /bin/systemctl enable elasticsearch.service
- Check that the server is working properly.
on the server:
curl http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty
on remote, eg. From PostManGET http://serverIp:9200/_cluster/health?pretty
- The data will come from the simplified Wikipedia dataset in Polish language. The data is available at address and the newest - at address . You can also find datasets for other languages, try to modify the url or search similiar phrases in google.
- Install missing python packages.
pip install cElementTree
pip install elasticsearch
- Clone this repo, go to
cd wikipedia-articles-with-elasticsearch/WikipediaSearchEngine/WikipediaSearchEngine
then typenano appsettings.json
and make sure, that endpoint to elasticsearch is proper for your machine. - Now run website. To do this, type:
dotnet run
- That’s all. Now go to browser and type server adress (or localhost on this machine) with proper port and press red button on navbar to recreate index.
You can regenerate the index at any time. The wikipedia file is updated every few weeks and is located at the same address that is given in the script.
Just go to Docs
folder and open Parse data & load into engine.ipynb