This repository holds a very early version of what is meant to later be a guide for post-quantum cryptography (PQC) aimed at the engineers who need to implement PQC. The guide was inspired by a thread in September 2022 on the mailing list.
The IETF PQUIP WG put up a collection of PQ related specifications.
liboqs contains all algorithms standardized or still in the process of standardization by NIST. It is a C library with wrappers for many programming languages such as Go, Perl, Java, Python, etc. The project's main page is at
oqs-demos contains integrations of PQC into many standard crypto packages with build documentation, e.g., for openssl, curl, nginx, etc. Resultant, ready-to-run docker images for quick trialing are accessible at docker hub. Minimum required knowledge for use is the names of PQ algorithms as documented e.g., here. For knowing more, reading through material at is strongly recommended.