- This project is:
- An app to show Job posts and Job details;
- Filters;
- Infinite scroll;
- Multiple device's form factors;
- Download the installer for Node.js 6 or greater.
- Install the ionic CLI globally:
npm install -g ionic
- Clone this repository:
. - Run
npm install
from the project root. - Run
ionic serve
in a terminal from the project root.
All app preview screenshots were taken by running ionic serve --lab
on a windows 10 /chrome browser.
- PWA - Un-comment this, run
npm run ionic:build --prod
and then push thewww
folder to your favorite hosting service - Android - Run
ionic cordova run android --prod
- If you are deploying to Android 4.4 or below we recommend adding crosswalk:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
- If you are deploying to Android 4.4 or below we recommend adding crosswalk:
- iOS - Run
ionic cordova run ios --prod
├-- .github/ * GitHub files
│ ├── CONTRIBUTING.md * Documentation on contributing to this repo
│ └── ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md * Template used to populate issues in this repo
|-- resources/
|-- src/
| |-- app/
| | ├── app.component.ts
| | └── app.module.ts
| | └── app.template.html
| | └── main.ts
| |
| |-- assets/
| | ├── data/
| | | └── jobs.json
| | |
| | ├── fonts/
| | | ├── ionicons.eot
| | | └── ionicons.svg
| | | └── ionicons.ttf
| | | └── ionicons.woff
| | | └── ionicons.woff2
| | |
| | ├── img/
| |
| |-- pages/ * Contains all of our pages
│ │ │
│ │ │── home/ * Home page
│ │ │ ├── home.html * HomePage template
│ │ │ └── home.ts * HomePage code
│ │ │ └── home.scss * HomePage stylesheet
│ │ │
│ │ │── detailspops/ * Detailspops tab page
│ │ │ ├── detailspops.html * DetailspopsPage template
│ │ │ └── detailspops.module.ts * DetailspopsPageModule code
│ │ │ └── detailspops.ts * DetailspopsPage code
│ │ │ └── detailspops.scss * DetailspopsPage stylesheet
│ │ │
| | |
│ │ │── job-filter/ * JobFilterPage
│ │ │ ├── job-filter.html * JobFilterPage template
│ │ │ └── job-filter.module.ts * JobFilterPageModule code
│ │ │ └── job-filter.ts * JobFilterPage code
│ │ │ └── job-filter.scss * JobFilterPage stylesheet
│ │ │
│ │ └── Introduction/ * Vanhack Intro page
│ │ ├── intro.html * IntroPage template
│ │ └── intro.module.ts * IntroPageModule code
│ │ └── intro.ts * IntroPage code
│ │ └── intro.scss * IntroPage stylesheet
| |
│ ├── providers/ * Contains all Injectables
│ │ └── job.ts * Job Listings Data code
│ ├── theme/ * App theme files
| | ├── variables.scss * App Shared Sass Variables
| |
| |-- index.html
|-- www/
| ├── assets/
| | ├── data/
| | | └── data.json
| | |
| | ├── fonts/
| | | ├── ionicons.eot
| | | └── ionicons.svg
| | | └── ionicons.ttf
| | | └── ionicons.woff
| | | └── ionicons.woff2
| | |
| | ├── img/
| |
| └── build/
| └── index.html
├── .editorconfig * Defines coding styles between editors
├── .gitignore * Example git ignore file
├── LICENSE * Apache License
├── README.md * This file
├── config.xml * Cordova configuration file
├── ionic.config.json * Ionic configuration file
├── package.json * Defines our JavaScript dependencies
├── tsconfig.json * Defines the root files and the compiler options
├── tslint.json * Defines the rules for the TypeScript linter