- Needs
The main colours used throughout the page are:
- Colours
- Fonts
- Images
You can access the wireframes document by clicking Here.
- Description
- Bootstrap
- Front End toolkit used to create the responsive layout.
- W3 Validator
- Used to validate HTML and CSS files.
- JS Hint
- Used to validate JS files.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome's DevTools were used throughout the project to test the layout and make the necessary adjustments.
- Google Fonts
- Google fonts were used to import the 'Monoton' and 'Righteous' fonts.
- Font Awesome
- Font Awesome was used to add icons like the ones used in the add remove buttons, and the tutorial floating action button.
- jQuery
- jQuery was used to enhance JavaScript code, providing useful methods and selectors to it.
- Git
- Git was used for version control by utilizing the Gitpod terminal to commit to Git and Push to GitHub.
- GitHub
- GitHub is used to store the project's code after being pushed from Git.
- Am I responsive
- Used to efficiently test different responsive layouts and provide the header image in the readme file.
- Dillinger
- Markdown editor used to create the readme file.
You can access the testing document by clicking Here.
The project was deployed to GitHub Pages by automatically deploying from GitHub using the following steps:
Deployment instructions
[Alexander Grib](Your GitHub profile URL) - Tasks completed
Juan Bracho - Tasks completed
[Patricia Höge](Your GitHub profile URL) - Tasks completed
[Devan Cadman](Your GitHub profile URL) - Tasks completed
[Philip Whitty](Your GitHub profile URL) - Tasks completed
[Jonatan Knut von Sydow](Your GitHub profile URL) - Tasks completed
- Markdown Guide As a guide to create the readme file.
- Code Institute As a general point of reference.
- Stack Overflow As a general point of reference.
- W3Schools As a general point of reference.
- Media references
- To be filled