We would like to help the user in the process of renting clothes in order to make him more confident to select and find the right product, supporting him with different sizes from different brands for example with a size guide. In any case if the user faces some problems he should have the possibility to solve them easily weather consulting the FAQ, contacting the vendor or a customer service through its own smartphone. We also remember that our website was designed only for mobile devices, thank you for your attention!
This project is splitted into two directories:
- milestones: you can find all the steps of the designing phase
- dressandgo: you can find the code part; it is also divided into two subparts: client and server
In order to run the local version of our project you have to run the following commands in two different terminals:
- cd dressandgo/server
- npm install
- npx nodemon server
- cd dressandgo/client
- npm install
- npm start
This website was the final group project for the "Human Computer Interaction" course of the Politecnico di Torino and was developed by Patrizio de Girolamo, Giulia Medde, Federico Raimondi and Fabio Quazzolo