2.1.0 Release
Hello everyone,
Version 2.1.0 is now out on Nuget. While it doesn't have a lot of changes, it now includes all the html, css, js as static assets instead of all the build events that it was doing before. Along with that, we have a new notification that you can also find in the documentation:
- https://seotoolkit.gitbook.io/useotoolkit/extensions/notifications#beforemetatagsnotification
- https://seotoolkit.gitbook.io/useotoolkit/extensions/notifications#aftermetatagsnotification
When upgrading to this version, please delete the following folders in your solution:
- /Views/ScriptManager/
- /App_Plugins/SeoToolkit
While this won't break your application, it will not update the files on any further updates.
As always, if you find any issues. Please report them on the issues tracker and I'll get right on top of them!
What's Changed
- Changed meta tags events to notifications by @patrickdemooij9 in #100
- Don't let the Razor files through the target files by @patrickdemooij9 in #101
- Static assets by @patrickdemooij9 in #102
- Upped version to 2.1.0 and removed some more package.manifests by @patrickdemooij9 in #103
Full Changelog: 2.0.1...2.1.0
## Donations
If you like what I do with SeoToolkit and would like to buy me a coffee, then you can do so here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/HHIl3uvWKj