- This repo is helpful for provisioning a single rails ubuntu server using knife solo
- The cookbook op installs deploy user with sudo access, rvm, ruby, nginx, postgres, your ssh keys etc...
- First install chefdk and knife-solo
bundle install && berks install && berks vendor
knife solo bootstrap ubuntu@$host -i <ssh_key> -r "role[<insert role name here from roles directory>]"
or you can use the following script:
./deploy.sh <host address> <rolename from roles directory> <ssh key name in .ssh directory>
- You can paste your ssh keys in cookbooks/op/files/authorized_keys
- Make sure to keep these changes local only. DO NOT PUSH YOUR KEYS
- You can paste your github repo access keys in id_rsa_private, and id_rsa_public
- Add your id_rsa_public key to github access keys
- Make sure to keep these changes local only. DO NOT PUSH YOUR KEYS